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HT 4.0 does not recognize .mk3d files

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by einskaldir, Jan 11, 2024.

  1. einskaldir

    einskaldir New Member

    quite new to Zidoo (switched recentlly from Zappiti - you might know why), I have an Issue creating my Posterwall:
    It seems HT 4.0 does not recognize/support .mk3d files. I can see and play them (with Google Plaver) in the Media Center, but not with HT and they do not appear when I scrap the source.
    Is that a missing feature or am I doing s.th. wrong?

    Thanks 4 ur help.
  2. Deano86

    Deano86 Active Member

    mk3d is not recongnized.. . change it to mkv like it is supposed to be and your 3d file will be recognized and play just fine on the Zidoo... I assume that you remuxed this title with MkvToolnix or something as to why it has this suffix?

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