How to handle multiple discs for one movie? (and more)

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by JerryLB, Mar 8, 2024.

  1. JerryLB

    JerryLB Member

    I'm a new Zidoo owner/user, coming over from the Zappiti world and am puzzled how to do a few things on the Zidoo (which is a marvelous player, BTW) that are easy on the Zappiti (now R_volution).

    I've got many cases where I have multiple discs for a single movie. Here are three scenarios:
    1. The movies spans two discs, such as the UHD release of Lawrence of Arabia or the BD3D release of Avatar.
    2. There are multiple versions of a movie, such as theatrical and directors cut versions of The Lord of the Rings trilogy or Avatar.
    3. There are multiple formats for a movies, such as BD3D, UHD and HD (which might have "extra" features not found on the UHD version), such as... well, lots of movies.
    Currently, I'm not finding any way to differentiate these. I have the Criterion Collection version, the UHD release and an ISO image of the HD BD of the Pixar film Up. The "video" wall shows only a single movie and it has a UHD tag in the corner. When I select it, the "detail" view shows a 3D tag in the corner. I don't see a way to select the UHD or the HD BD version. How can I separate these? With the Zappiti interface, I could create an arbitrary "group" (what Zidoo calls a "collection") with all three in it and when I opened the group, I could select from the three. How do I do something like that with the Zidoo?

    I'm a bit confused by some of the tag usage in the video wall. I name my MKV, MP4 or ISO images as follows:


    Examples would be:

    Toy Story.1995.HD.mp4
    Toy Story.1995.UHD.mkv
    Toy Story.1995.3D.mkv
    Toy Story.1995.HD.ISO.iso

    Some of the HD films show up with an "HD" tag, which makes sense, but others show up with a "FHD" tag. What makes the Zidoo thing of some films as "High Definition" and others as "Full High Definition"? All my HD films are 1080p, by the way. None of them are 720p, which I knows is technically high definition. Similarly, all my UHD films are 2160p but some show up as "UHD" and others as "4K". What gives?

    Lastly, how do I create arbitrary "groups" or "collections"? I have several hundred movies and scrolling through the multiple "pages" of films gets old. Using the Search function is awkward with a remote control instead of a keyboard. On my Zappiti, I create arbitrary groups, which "collapses" my collection considerably. I have ALL of the Star Wars films, including Rogue One and Solo, in a Star Wars collection. I have ALL of my Pixar films in a Pixar collection, ALL of my Disney animated films in a Disney collection, ALL of my Marx Brothers films in a Marx Brothers collection, etc., etc. How do you do this with the Zidoo?

    Thanks in advance for any help on these!
  2. xskip

    xskip Active Member

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