How do you fix mismatched metadata?

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by mrstinky, Aug 18, 2022.

  1. mrstinky

    mrstinky New Member

    When my content gets scraped and it identifies a TV show or movie as the wrong TV show or movie, how do I go in and manually fix this? I don't see an option for it when selecting the media in Zidoo media player.
  2. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    The process I follow
    First I check the name of my file is the same as what TVDB or TMDB or IMDB call it.
    If different I rename my file to match and then do a rematch.
    Finally if necessary I go into the web page interface and there you can edit details. ATM the data from TVDB is broken and one can’t edit. TMDB is ok.
    Generally though it’s a name problem.
  3. Tim Brown

    Tim Brown New Member

    For movies, you can do a re-match. Highlight the movie you want to change on the poster wall and then press and hold the menu button for a couple of seconds. This will bring up a menu allowing you to rematch the movie.

    For tvshows, I usually go to "sources", then click on the appropriate source, then navigate down to the items in question. Once there, the menu button brings up the re-match option. I like to go that route for tv episodes because there are usually more than one that did not match correctly and this path allows batch editing of multiple episodes at once.

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