Hi I own a Zidoo X10 and quite often back up my collection of Tv shows & films, I am considering moving them all to a larger HDD but I’m not sure how to reapply my posters from the backup (I spent many hours manually adding shows & films it didn’t recognise last time and I would rather not have to do that again) could someone give me a layman’s/ idiots guide of what I’m supposed to do please? I’m never quite sure, I see the restore function but nothing seems to happen, am I supposed to extract/unzip the backup ie change it from .ztb to .zip? Any help would be appreciated.
You can't restore the database using a new logical drive since it's a SQL Lite database and the logical links go to the old drive. The way I would do it is to export NFO's and artwork (settings/library/Export) from the old database to the old drive, copy all to the new drive, swap them, and then clear the database and rescan the new source from scratch selecting "Use Local Images First" and "Precedence" for <NFO Parse> in settings/Preference. This will use the NFOs for the movie data and the exported artwork and *should* get you back where you started! Another, maybe easier way, is to use "Synchronize data from other source" but I've never tried this... In the Sources menu, highlight the new source and press <menu>, select "Synchronize data from other source" and choose the old source. Whatever you do, don't delete anything until you have the new source working properly so you can always go back to where you were.