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Help in formatting a internal hdd please

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X10' started by Simmy, Dec 26, 2018.

  1. Simmy

    Simmy New Member

    Hi me again, I’ve bought a 3.5” SATA internal 2tb hard drive but my Zidoo x10 doesn’t see it, obviously it needs formatting - can someone please tell me how would I go about connecting it to my pc please to be able to do this. What do I need to purchase, I’m not terribly technical usually get by with fairly straightforward things - don’t really want to keep on spending money - I’ve tried looking on amazon etc but it seems stuff like sata to usb needs an additional power supply because it’s 3.5”, enclosures look quite expensive too, especially when I’d only be using it to format the hard drive. Any advice appreciated. Thanks.
  2. videobruce

    videobruce Member

  3. Simmy

    Simmy New Member

    Thanks for the reply, yes I read your link - I’m really not sure how I would connect it via SATA? Would that mean opening the back of my PC tower & connecting it something in there?
  4. videobruce

    videobruce Member

    Yes the side would have to be removed.

    What type PC is this? Custom or store bought?
    If store bought, hopefully there will be a unused SATA header (connector) on the MB you can connect a cable to. Also, (hopefully) there will be a spare connector from the PS to power the HDD.
    This is all some basic stuff, .like changing your oil or changing a tire. ;)

    You could try a external USB docking station, BUT that adds another interface that can cause problems. I have an internal SATA w/ a power cable setup as an external hookup that solves all of this. Mine also is a custom build. I do have a docking station, but I find this just as easy thou the HDD has to sit on my desk surface out in the open, but place it on a lint free cloth not to scratch the surface.
  5. videobruce

    videobruce Member

    The partition programs of choice are either MiniTool Partition Wizard or EaseUS Partition Master.

    BTW, there are eSATA front panel brackets with a socket that are available, but you still need to power the drive. You would need a eSATA to SATA cable instead of a SATA to SATA. (connectors are different)
  6. Simmy

    Simmy New Member

    Thanks for this, yes it’s store bought, I shall take a look inside the PC at some point to try & figure out what I need. It’s just a waste that I’ve bought a 2tb internal hdd & then bought a £20+ enclosure to format it & it’s still no use, so will most likely need to now buy cables. I may cut my losses & use this hdd & the enclosure for other things & just invest in a bigger external WD hdd for my movies & such instead of relying in a internal one. Thank you.
  7. videobruce

    videobruce Member

    Not a waste, extra 'parts' usually come in handy. You can never have enough patch cables. Spare drives can always be used.
    (I could almost open up a store with all the 'stuff' I collected from almost 20 years.)

    What is the exact make, model and/or version of the computer? Depending on who's it is, usually they want a S/N or some other 'special' number, not the model number and especially the series (which is meaningless). One of my laptops is a 'HP Probook 6545b'. That isn't enough to get the exact configuration of my version since mine was special order. The important detail is what MB it is since that IS the computer. Those are made by 3rd parties, Foxconn being the largest.
  8. Simmy

    Simmy New Member

    Hi, it’s a Hewlett Packard (Compaq)
    Serial No. CZC2192LN4
    Product No. H1G59EA#ABU
    Model No. CQ2740EA
  9. videobruce

    videobruce Member

    Is this it? (never saw that small a form factor). Potential upgrade components are in red;
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
  10. videobruce

    videobruce Member

    There is provision for a 2nd HDD (one white, the other blue lower right). There is nothing on the PS so I don't know what the unused 'dongle' will be configuration with. There should be no problem getting a power cable for that other than length if you want to run that outside the case (instead of opening the case up every time you want to connect another drive). The SATA cable pretty much the same thing (SATA to SATA), but most of those are very short, 6" since they are designed for internal use;
    Compaq CQ2740E.jpg IPXSB-DM (Cork) MB.jpg
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
  11. Simmy

    Simmy New Member

    So assuming this is the same as mine (can’t look yet as it’s in use) what connections do you think I’d need to buy just to format my newly bought hdd to then put inside my Zidoo X10?
  12. videobruce

    videobruce Member

    Two cables per my previous post;
    SATA & a power cable. Short if you want to just connect it inside the case (but watch how the drive sits or 'hangs' so you don't short out the board on the bottom of the drive against the case.)
    Long, if you want to attach them so they are long enough so the drive can be laid on your desk.

    There are assemblies that have both connections to the HDD as one connector which makes things even easier.
    Start here (they changed their website drastically since I was there last);
  13. videobruce

    videobruce Member

  14. Simmy

    Simmy New Member

    So this would cover it? (I’m in the U.K. though so will try & get it from Amazon or somewhere) thanks for your help dude.

    Attached Files:

    videobruce likes this.
  15. videobruce

    videobruce Member

    Yes, as long as the power end is the correct gender.
    There are front panel bracket (plates) with various connectors on them. USB and Memory card are the most common, but there are ones with eSATA. All you would need (other than a open space to mount it) is a external power cable long enough, which is easily made up if you can't find one.

    Those links are the correct PC model?
    Simmy likes this.
  16. videobruce

    videobruce Member

    BTW, watch the polarity of the power cord end that connects from the PS and watch you don't get a eSATA cable. They have a different connector than an internal cable.
    eSATA are shielded (or suppose to be :rolleyes: ).
    Simmy likes this.

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