Help a Noob with some setup questions :)

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by cpextis, Feb 14, 2023.

  1. cpextis

    cpextis New Member

    Hi all

    Finally replaced my old nVidia Shield 2017 and got myself a Zidoo Z9X and was hoping to get some advice on a few settings. I have a Sony A80J OLED and the Zidoo is connected to it via a Denon X4500X AVR. I use it primarily to play MKV remuxes.

    For Dolby Vision, is it recommended to use LLDV or Standard Dolby Vision (TV led)? When using TV led the Z9X info box says it is running at 8 bit and when using LLDV it shows 12 bit but I have also read that LLDV is of lower quality?

    What HDR setting should I use for my TV, leave it at auto or set one of the VS10 modes?

    Is there a way to get it to boot automatically into Home Theater mode rather than the menu screen?

    Can I use it to wake my media server (HP microserver running Open Media Vault) using WON, my shield used to do this but I can't find a setting for it on the Z9X.

    Thanks for any help!
  2. rozel

    rozel Well-Known Member

    cpextis likes this.
  3. Temearoo

    Temearoo Active Member

    - Standard DV should be the best choice with your OLED TV. Don't worry about the RGB 8Bits, it's just a way used by Dolby to send the DV signal from the Zidoo to your TV through the HDMI cable. At the end your TV will output DV in 12Bit.

    - Usually Auto is a good start for HDR setting: realtek engine for content in SDR and HDR, Dolby VS10 engine for Dolby Vision content.

    - To start directly into HT4.0, open the tile "Apps" on the home screen, highlight the HT4.0 app, press "Menu" button on your remote and select "start at launch". You will get what you want next time that you will start your Zidoo.
    cpextis likes this.
  4. cpextis

    cpextis New Member

    Thanks @rozel and @Temearoo

    I did indeed read that post but some things weren't quite clear to me.

    If anyone knows about how to set up WON it would help a lot.

    Last Q, any way to custom skin the video wall?

    (yay, post reply worked, was trying to yesterday but kept getting a spam/inappropriate content block for some reason).

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