Hello Zidoo X9 Support team

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X9' started by Jerezanito, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. Jerezanito

    Jerezanito New Member

    1. Hi Zidoo support team ...I have Zidoo x6 and zidoo theater installed from factory it works very cool and plays using kodi mp4 videos without any problem also passthrut ac3 5.1 audio the Zidoo theater app work fantastic too it plays mp4 whit two audio languages and two subtitles same like kodi you can chose between them also passthrut ac3 5.1 audio too ....I order zidoo x9 becase it can record ...my cuestion is WHY Zidoo x9 transfer automatically any video plays in Kodi 14.1 to a different video player and not play in kodi like x6 does usin kodi 16 and this video player not enable to change the audios or subtitles inside in the mp4 video like zidoo theater does. Found zidoo theater apk and installed on zidoo x9 BUT when again play a mp4 video transfers the video to this different video player installed by defult and again this video player not allowed to change any audios or subtitulos it has the menu Can see there but not change like ZIDO THEATER does with audios and subtitles hopefully you can have some answers for this cuestions thank you .....zidoo are great devices ...

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