Before I upgraded to v1.0.36, my Youtube and Google Play apps can't connect to the internet even though the browser and Kodi apps are able to connect. Then, I updated my X6 to v1.0.36 and all the problems went least for 2 days. Then I'm back with the same problem. I tried the recommendation from the other thread but to no avail. any suggestions???
First you can try it here : Second: you can update apk here: If you want to update PlayStore here:
HoneCharles I did the first and second (APK update) instructions mentioned above, and it worked. However, the problems come back whenever I power off and on. So I have to do first and second instructions over and over to keep Google Play Store connected to internet. Also, I noticed that Kodi doesn't update completely meaning some contents (movies) are missing whenever Google Play unable to connect. Is there more of a permanent fix?
I am having the same problem, followed the advice above, net connection is fine, its the first time I am connecting to the play store as the box is new, I am not having a lot of luck as a first time Zidoo owner :-(
I'm having the exact same problem as of today. I'm actually a seller of these boxes, and I usually test them before selling them by logging into Google Play, testing some apps, etc. I've tested and sold 5 in the last week with no problems. Today, I've tried 3 brand new boxes and NONE of them can log into Google Play Store or services. As a test, I broke open an older (but unused) MX3 box and tried logging into Google Play and got instant access, no problems. I have no idea what's going on and I don't know what else to do. Tried rooting and changing the host file, manually updating Play Store and Play Services apks, resetting my connection, my network. Everything. @spring if you have any ideas, or if any others have any ideas, I'm open to it as I'm quite frustrated. Don't get me wrong, I love these boxes, they've done me well, but I need help with this brand new issue. edit: I've tried logging in with .34 firmware and .36 firmware, also factory reset on both firmwares. Still nothing.
I'm having the same issue. I bought 2 boxes off of Amazon, 1 is working fine and the other cannot connect to the Google servers when signing in Edit: I have manually updated the software on both as well to 36
Hello, The RD team have got many reports from worldwide on the issue. Google may tuned their API in these days so that some boxes can't working properly. Sorry about that . And please be patient with wait the resolution. We may release a new ota update to fix it.
Any idea on how long we'll have to wait? Having an android box that can't use Google Play is like only having one leg...LOL
Same here still unable to set up a Google account which is a real pain as I have paid apps I want to put on my new X6
I have the same problem with zidoo x6 pro. Another box s905 no problem today I set up the play store.
We have found that a problem is that if an account registered in a day and then withdraw, there will be problems can not log in, you will receive an e-mail sent to google. If the change had not signed a 2 days account, you can log in normally. Perhaps google changed the login authentication security. For the inconvenience, we apologize, we will solve this problem as soon as possible, thank you!
Thanks for the response. I thought of this before and attempted to create a new account just for this. The new account was created through the Zidoo, but still could not log into Google servers. Furthermore, the account I could not sign into Zidoo with easily signed into another brand new box (MXIII). How do we account for that?
Before we release a OTA to fix this, Some tech-savvy users could fix it by follow these steps,( it's recommend that wait our OTA to resolve that if you are not in a hurry) 1,Root X6pro 2,Run a ES explorer which with root access 3,Delete GoogleLoginService.apk in the ES 4,Restart the X6pro 5,Sign in Google playstore again 6,Unroot X6pro
Is there a simple way to unroot the x6? I'm reading the forums and it doesn't look simple. I'm assuming to root the x6 you would just follow the following link:
@Bravoarchy Check out this post, their new onekeyroot tool has an unroot.
There is another way that don't need root access, found and tested successfully by an italian user and posted on another (italian) X6 forum: activate "2-Step Verification" in your own Google account (english link, but there is one for each Google supported language, so also yours) come back on X6 and try registration again, in this condition it redirect you on a browser page to insert password and then the SMS received code. In this way you should complete successfully device registration. I don't know if, after this, you can go back to simple authentication if you prefer so, user doesn't wrote about it. But is easy to test by yourself.