Global Audio Offset

Discussion in 'General - Guides and FAQ' started by wassit, Sep 22, 2022.

  1. wassit

    wassit New Member


    Have just got a Z9X and its has solved the horrible audio sync issues I have been having with my Optoma UST projector when playing 24Hz content.

    However I seem to have to adjust the offset every time. Is there a way to set the offset globally?

  2. wassit

    wassit New Member

    For anyone else looking at this I have found the solution.

    You can set the offset globally in the Playback section from 'quick settings'

    You can then adjust individual files if you need to whilst playing them and these changes will only affect the file you are playing and not mess with the global settings.

    Thank you Zidoo, no other box I have used, Firestick, Shield or Apple Tv has been able to resolve the audio issue that playing stuff in 24p was causing. Before I had to either have out of sync audio or frame skipping. Now its just perfect

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