GetMovieTotal API call doesn't return real number of movies

Discussion in 'General Development' started by leopardus2, Nov 16, 2021.

  1. leopardus2

    leopardus2 New Member

    I have noticed that the GetMovieTotal API call doesn't properly return the number of movies
    that are on my SMB share... this breaks the Control4 driver, as it will only show the first 20 movies

    Tested as follows from a linux box - IP of my Z1000 PRO is

    echo '{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "method" : "GetMovieTotal", "id" : 52}' | nc 9531

    this returns:

    ZIDOOSTART{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "response", "request": "GetMovieTotal", "result": "MovieTotal", "id" : 52, "data" : {"videoCount": 20}}ZIDOOEND

    But I have over 100 movies in the share (these are correctly seen by the posterwall app).

    Can we please have this fixed?

  2. leopardus2

    leopardus2 New Member

    After a poweroff/poweron, now the correct number of videos is returned.... weird.

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