Gain control on Tidal app

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by Mikweb, Dec 31, 2023.

  1. Mikweb

    Mikweb New Member

    When I play from the tidal app, it tells me that it sets the gain to ca. -5-6 or -7, which lower the volume. Why does it do that? Is there a way to control this? (I have the newest version 1.2.40 beta)
  2. Bergholdt

    Bergholdt Well-Known Member


    You can turn if off under ‘settings’ on the A6.

    Mikweb likes this.
  3. Mikweb

    Mikweb New Member

    Thank You!!!
  4. RTStream

    RTStream Member

    Yes. But why does it always go negative? I find I need to set the volume on my amp much higher if I have it on as it dials everything down. I’ve not once seen it go +2.4db.
    I leave it off.
  5. octavius

    octavius Member

    I leave it off too because I don't liked how it sounds with this "feature"
  6. Xyzzy

    Xyzzy Member

    I know this is a bit late, but the the reason that the volume is lowered is to preserve the sound quality. Amplifying the digital signal from the recorded level can result in distortion.
    Usually ReplayGain works from a starting point of the lowest volume track and lowers the volume of all other tracks to that level.
    Many people think ReplayGain reduces the sound quality merely because the volume is lower.
    ReplayGain is an excellent volume levelling technique that does the best job (in my opinion of course) of preserving the sound quality.
    I wish it was more widely understood and used.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2024
    Imaodoloro likes this.
  7. Imaodoloro

    Imaodoloro Active Member

    Honestly, I wasn't aware of the function, I activated it and I'm positively surprised. Of course it's a little quieter, but that's not a problem for me. The most important thing for me is the sound, it sounds more natural, which makes it easier to listen to, so try it out...

    Track Gain – Volume adjustments are made for individual songs, ensuring consistent volume across all songs.

    Album Gain – Volume adjustments are made for albums, maintaining dynamic volume differences across songs within an album.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2024

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