Front & Rear audio channels reversed on one DVD TV series

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X10' started by videobruce, Oct 12, 2022.

  1. videobruce

    videobruce Member

    Using the internal player, the TV series Person of Interest has the front L & R channels playing on the rear L & R channels and vice a versa. I 'm running a A/V audio receiver with a HDMI cable between the two. All other audio plays fine as expected.
    I tried it on a 2nd episode and the same thing. All other ripped DVD's are ok. I haven't tried another player yet or another season.

    Any ideas on this?
  2. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Try it on another player well removed from the Zidoo and if the same phenomena is present then it's probably a badly mastered DVD. I have found a couple like that albeit a very long time ago. As it appears to be only on this set it does appear to point to a booboo in the mastering process.
  3. videobruce

    videobruce Member

    That was on my list of things to do.
  4. videobruce

    videobruce Member

    I tried it on 'X Player' and the series plays fine, audio normal. I haven't tried player other seasons of the series on the internal player (non Home Theater version).
  5. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    How did you rip or copy the discs?
  6. videobruce

    videobruce Member

    Originally I used AnyDVD & Clone DVD to copy the DVD's in DVD format (which was a mistake, but that was 15 years ago or so).
    Then I used either DVD Fab and/or Win DVD (I believe) to convert them to mp4's. I also used Make MKV with one series to convert, but I have run into instances where they didn't play at all or properly.

    I have the latest F/W but I haven't had the time to load it yet, I'll see if that makes nay differences with this problem and others.
  7. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    I use MakeMKV to make mkv files directly in the first instance. For me I'm only interested in the main movie. Sometimes I use DVDFab for a handful of titles that has a protection system that MakeMKV hasn't caught up with.
  8. videobruce

    videobruce Member

    I don't have a Netflix subscription any longer, so ripping DVD's is in the past. ;)

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