Frame Rate Issues with Zidoo Video Player

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X9S' started by blasiusx, Oct 26, 2017.

  1. blasiusx

    blasiusx Member

    I hope here in the forum a developer reads. ;)

    I use the Zidoo X9S with latest Firmware 1.4.12.

    The MKV (AVC H.264) AutoFrame rate is correctly set and also played by the internal Kodi video player. But not from the Zidoo video player. This plays 50i MKV with 25fps off, 60i MKV with 30fps (if HDMI Output is set to 1080 50p). The picture stutters naturally.

    Exactly the same problem, as with the MTS files (AVC H.264).

    The ISO’s are taken with the Original MTS Streams. All this files runs on my Mede8er 600X3D and my Dune TV 303-D without Frame Rate Issues, and with Kodi and the Internal Player, too.

    All Tests were made with Display Settings HDMI to „Auto“. If i set it to 1080 50p, then all the 60i AVCHD Streams stutters and the frame Rate isn’t correct by the Zidoo Video Player. And vice versa.

    I thought this would have no effect to set up the Display Output manually, and the player automatically recognizes this to correct Frame Rate. But this is not the case. Interlaced Videos (50i and 60i) stutters.

    Zidoo Player (Google Video Player) in Media Center and ZDMC 17.4 (Auto HDMI) on Zidoo X9S:

    ISO (from ACHD) 60i = 60fps (smooth), with HDMI 1080 50p = 30fps and stutters.

    ISO (from AVCHD) 50i = 25fps (first too seconds smooth, then player switches to 25fps)

    ISO (from AVCHD) 60p = 60fps (smooth)

    ISO (from AVCHD) 50p = 50fps (smooth)

    ISO 23.976 ok

    MTS don't really work good, i think not correctly assigned to Zidoo Video Player, Repeat All Mode aborts Play Next Video. No Movie Icon in the Media Center.

    MTS (AVCHD) 50i = 25fps (first too seconds smooth, then player switches to 25fps)

    MKV (AVCHD) 60i = 60fps (smooth), with HDMI 1080 50p = 30fps and stutters.

    MTS (AVCHD) 50p = 50fps (smooth)

    MTS (AVCHD) 60p = 60fps (smooth)

    MKV (AVCHD) 50i = very different fps ? ((first too seconds smooth, then player switches to mostly 25 fps, always stutters)

    MKV (AVCHD) 60i = 60fps (smooth), with HDMI 1080 50p = 30fps and stutters.

    MKV (AVCHD) 50p = 50fps (smooth)

    MKV (AVCHD) 60p = 60fps (smooth) with HDMI 1080 50p no switch, stutters.

    MP4 (AVCHD) 50i = very different fps ? ((first too seconds smooth, then player switches to mostly 25 fps, always stutters)

    MP4 (AVCHD) 60i = 60fps (smooth), with HDMI 1080 50p = 30fps and stutters.

    MP4 (AVCHD) 50p = 50fps (smooth)

    MP4 (AVCHD) 60p = 60fps (smooth), with HDMI 1080 50p no switch, stutters.

    The Zidoo has bis problems with Interlaced Video and Auto Frame Rate.

    Since I run the MTS files inadequate, I had planned to convert this. But this has brought nothing, the same problems have remained.

    I ask a developer to look at the whole time. That should be fixed. Thanks in advance.
    pcristi likes this.

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