Feature Requests after nearly 2 Months Usage

Discussion in 'General Development' started by ckenisell, Apr 28, 2024.

  1. ckenisell

    ckenisell Member

    I've been using the Zidoo Z9X Pro daily for about 7 weeks now. Here are my personal feature requests in order of priority for me:
    • Clearlogo support for collections
    • I wish the next version of Home Theater 4.x could handle Extra Features. Yeah, my current workaround is to name them with the (2#deleted scene) naming convention, but that's kind of a lousy workaround. And it doesn't work for TV series extra features.
    • Aspect Ratio displayed on Movie Info screen
    • Alphabet scroll horizontally across the bottom of the screen in Cover Mode (similar to the vertical alphabet scroll on the right side of the poster wall screen.)
    • Movies should be able to reside in multiple collections
    • Share libraries and progress over multiple Zidoo clients in the same home
    That's all I can think of for now. What are some of your requested features?
    JackMikkers likes this.
  2. Sledgehamma

    Sledgehamma Well-Known Member

  3. ckenisell

    ckenisell Member

    Collections in the following view randomly display the clearlogo of a movie within the collection...


    Would rather have this...


    Here's another example...


    Would rather have this...


    Your example works for Battlestar Galactica because TMDB has a "Specials" season. Let's use my example of Loki...

    Loki Season 1 has 6 episodes. So far, so good.


    ...results in this:


    But this in the "Featurettes" and "Behind the Scenes" folders, results in unmatched videos that I have to map to Season 1 as additional episodes (see episodes 7-12)...


  4. ckenisell

    ckenisell Member

    OK, I'm looking at other TV shows and I see that the Special Features are all listed under "Season 0" as a "Specials" season. Kind weird because I like my Special Features to correspond to the season from which they came. For example, The Mandalorian Season 0 "Specials" has four "Episodes" But, really Season 1 had 2 special features and Season 2 had 2 special features. It would be weird to watch Season 1 and then accidentally watch all 4 special features when the last 2 special features would show spoilers for Season 2. IMHO, I think there should be a Season 1.5 and a Season 2.5. Each with their respective special features. But what do I know? ;)
    JackMikkers likes this.
  5. Sledgehamma

    Sledgehamma Well-Known Member

    You and me both! Not sure why the meta data sites like thetvdb and tmdb have decided to stick with Season 0 :(

    Ah okay that makes sense with the logo! I dont use that view and totally forgot about it.
  6. ckenisell

    ckenisell Member

    Yeah, it's definitely a weird way to do it. I have sorted the posters so that Season 0 is at the end of the entire TV series in order to avoid any spoilers.

    That seems to be the reaction I tend to get any time I post this request. Not sure why more people don't use that view. Other than taking forever to get through the alphabet, it's my favorite.
  7. ckenisell

    ckenisell Member

    Okay, well, now I've learned that these database sites (like TheTVDB and TMDB) don't include special features included on DVD/Blu-Ray/UHD discs. They will only include the specials if they were "aired". So, the following specials are completely missing because they're only on the new 4K Blu-ray releases. Another reason why we need better Special Features management for TV series on Zidoo Home Theater.


    1. Designing the TVA
    2. The Official TVA Orientation Video
    3. Gag Reel
    4. Deleted Scene: Loki's Coronation
    5. Deleted Scene: The Standoff
    6. Assembled: The Making of Loki
    Moon Knight:
    1. Assembled: The Making of Moon Knight
    2. Egyptology
    3. Gag Reel
    4. Deleted Scene: Don't Go There
    5. Deleted Scene: Breaking the Cycle
    Obi-Wan Kenobi:
    1. Duals of Fate: Obi-Wan vs Vader
    2. The Dark Times: Villians
    3. Designing The Galaxy
    The Falcon and the Winter Soldier:
    1. Assembled: The Making of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
    2. Cap's Shield
    3. Gag Reel
    4. Deleted Scene: Flight Lesson
    5. Deleted Scene: Still Not Funny
    1. Through the Eras
    2. Gag Reel
    3. Deleted Scene: Ankle Bracelet
    4. Deleted Scene: Mouth to Mouth
    5. Assembled: The Making of WandaVision

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