Feature Request: Shortcut "Jump to Letter" in Music Player

Discussion in 'General Development' started by JerryLB, Nov 8, 2024.

  1. JerryLB

    JerryLB Member

    In Poster Wall (and in the customization screen for assigning videos to Collections), there is a column of buttons on the right with the letters A-Z. Navigate to them and click on them and you jump to the first video (or collection) starting with that letter.

    Can we get this added to Music Player? I have a large collection (over 9,000 albums by over 2500 artists with over 125,000 tracks) and it is positively painful to scroll through them. If I want to get to Pink Floyd, I have to scroll past 1,690 other artists. If I want to play the album Sunday, Bloody Sunday, it's scrolling past 5,400 other albums. If I want to hear the track Thru These Walls, it's scrolling past 101,000 tracks.

    I know, I know... these are definitely first world problems. And I know I can use Search (painful using a remote, a bit better with the phone app and better yet with a wireless keyboard), but sometimes while you're scrolling, you stumble across something you weren't looking for but are glad you found.

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