In Poster Wall (and in the customization screen for assigning videos to Collections), there is a column of buttons on the right with the letters A-Z. Navigate to them and click on them and you jump to the first video (or collection) starting with that letter. Can we get this added to Music Player? I have a large collection (over 9,000 albums by over 2500 artists with over 125,000 tracks) and it is positively painful to scroll through them. If I want to get to Pink Floyd, I have to scroll past 1,690 other artists. If I want to play the album Sunday, Bloody Sunday, it's scrolling past 5,400 other albums. If I want to hear the track Thru These Walls, it's scrolling past 101,000 tracks. I know, I know... these are definitely first world problems. And I know I can use Search (painful using a remote, a bit better with the phone app and better yet with a wireless keyboard), but sometimes while you're scrolling, you stumble across something you weren't looking for but are glad you found.