Eversolo - Remote Control

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by Monkey3017, Feb 19, 2024.

  1. Monkey3017

    Monkey3017 Member

    I hope this will be updated via firmware -

    right now the cursor selector can only be used to control the play mode and the up/down buttons are used to cycle through view modes and toggle repeat/shuffle modes.

    Unlike controllers like the one for Firestick, you cannot use it to select anything on the main menu (Music/Sources...) and it can also not be used to use to to go level up / level down in the Music APP.

    I understand that it is difficult to make it work on the main menu since that is more like an android launcher, but within the music app I hope it can be updated so the cursor keys work the usual way:
    left/right = previous/next item (in the current context)
    up : go into previous, higher level,
    down : go into deeper level
    The circle symbol can still be used to cycle though view modes (EQ,VU...)

    What do you think?
    blackie likes this.
  2. EricR

    EricR Member

    That would be more than I could have wished for. But, great idea. Costly, but great!

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