Error on Explorer

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X5' started by hansoloq, May 21, 2016.

  1. hansoloq

    hansoloq New Member

    <br class="Apple-interchange-newline"><div id="inner-editor"></div>

    Hi, I just got the Zidoo X5, at the moment I'm setting, but I have found that there is an error in native Explorer:

    When I connect with my SMB, do not appear all videos in a folder, by example on a list of 10 movies, it shows 4 or 5.
    The video system is the same in all. MKV and AVI

    Not all folders, I have not found the reason that some folders show everything and others do not.

    I have 1.0.11 firmware

    With Kodi, work well. Everything is on every folder
  2. hansoloq

    hansoloq New Member

    I found the problem:

    Files with accented characters not recognize Explorer Zidoo

    Can you fix it?
  3. hansoloq

    hansoloq New Member

    Hi, I have encountered other errors:

    - In playlist does not come out ordered by the name of the videos of a folder, so it is not useful to use skip to the next video (eg. a folder with the chapters of a series)

    - Put DTS sound, but does not detects the change of track. In kodi does work.

  4. freeroc

    freeroc Active Member

    Can you type it here?
    This one ? 【】
  5. hansoloq

    hansoloq New Member

    No, like this:

    á é í ó ú ñ
    Á É Í Ó Ú Ñ
    à è ì ò ù

    etc, seems like ascii code greather than number 190

    I don't tried the ascii code between 126 and 190


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