Edit Posterwall in "database program mode"

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X20' started by myzidoo, Sep 19, 2019.

  1. myzidoo

    myzidoo Active Member Beta test group

    It is actually easy and with some database understanding extremely quick!

    All you need to do is make a backup of your theater settings from the settings menu of the posterwall.
    -Start posterwall and navigate to settings>library>Backup&Reset.
    - Save the file to a location of your choice (preferably a location you can then access with your computer)
    - Then unzip your backup file (!don't forget that step)
    - once unzipped you will find a folder named databases > open it
    - you will then see the theater.db file

    open the theater.db file in a database editing software of your choice and you have full direct editing abilities of your posterwall:)

    Then you simply re-zip the file (make sure the file ending is .tzb)
    finally use the file to restore the library in posterwall>library>Backup&reset
    Enjoy !
    cybergrimes and 3DBuff like this.
  2. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    Oo! Must give this a try!
  3. skelton

    skelton Member

    Sorry but i don't understand, edit the poster wall how? And why do you feel like you have to edit it?

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