does X10 support DRM?

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X10' started by MarcinZm, Dec 9, 2017.

  1. MarcinZm

    MarcinZm Member


    Does Zidoo X10 support DRM protected vidoes?
    I would like to watch video contents from Polish app. The video content from is DRM protected. Will it be possible to watch the video contect from this app?

    I have X9S now which doesn`t have DRM support, and I wonder about move to X10 - maybe it has???.
    Please write to me if this X10 has DRM support?

    Kindest regards
    Marcin from Poland
  2. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    x9s is 99.9% same as x10, the 0.1% difference is not in DRM tho. so no
  3. MarcinZm

    MarcinZm Member

    OK thank you, so I will not purchase X10, unfortunately.
  4. Max-78

    Max-78 Member

    Hi MarcinZn - I'm using the X10. So far it's not working with
    I'll try to make the test with the app.
  5. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    there is no point, widevine DRM is missing and that one is the critical one.
  6. Max-78

    Max-78 Member

    is there any option to 'backdoor' the widevine to the soft and omit this?
  7. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    it's not that simple
    " On android 3.0 and higher platforms, the Widevine DRM plugin is integrated with the Android DRM framework and uses hardware-backed protection to secure movie content and user credentials. Security is not limited to a single point, but instead relies on the integration of hardware, software, and services. The combination of hardware security functions, a trusted boot mechanism, and an isolated secure OS for handling security functions is critical to ensuring content security. "

    if you don't build the system from the start with the DRM in mind is probably impossible to officially support it after the fact
  8. n_p

    n_p Active Member

    A thing to potentially try out would be root cloak. Logic goes as follows, Zidoo boxes are rooted "out of the factory", if an app that checks for that and detects that, may refuse to work. Using the Xposed framework (you have to use Zidoos "toot app" (user space root) first) and rootcloak, you can hide the rooted status from certain apps.

    Maybe thats all thats needed - but maybe not. (Depending on how sure HaoSs is, that Widevice DRM is not implemented to begin with.. :) )
  9. n_p

    n_p Active Member

    Just use the latest xposed installer ( ).
    It can place the files directly, without needing to go through a custom recovery first. If your device is rooted (with the Zidoo root app) first.

    You dont have to do anything special, just follow the normal install routine.

    If you brick, its not my fault. ;) (You should be able to recover.) But to give you a little encouragement, I'm not the only person that has got xposed running - on a X9S:


    edit: toot app in the posting above refers to zidoos root app. :)
  10. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    xposed work fine, i use it for write permission to HDD, not sure what it has to do with DRM tho
  11. n_p

    n_p Active Member

    Nothing really. :) This is only a "tip" in case the app checks root, and refuses to work right there at that stage.

    If any further DRM or DRM checks are applied, this will not help in any way. So if there is a Widivine check , and it is indeed not implemented - still no luck. :)
  12. stef66

    stef66 New Member

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