I have a question about SMPS power supply of DMP A6 streamer . SMPS power supplies are famous for contaminating power lines with noise and harmonics. I am NOT talking about the quality of power that the source delivers to the internal electronics of the DMP A6, because I am sure it is very good. I'm talking about the noise and harmonics that I could inject into my power line, so the question would be: is the DMP A6 source filtered enough to not inject any noise / harmonics into my power line? . This question is because I will soon buy a DMP A6 and connect it to the output of my isolation transformer, which has a power amplifier and a preamplifier connected, both components are 100% analog and use 100% linear sources. This isolation transformer delivers very clean energy. I would not like that energy to be contaminated with noise and/or harmonics. The Beatechnik manufacturer's website says that its linear power supply (LPS-A6) has a noise level of 56.68 uVrms and the DMP A6 standard supply (SMPS) has a noise level of 679.2 uVrms. Thank you !!
To alleviate your concerns, install a LPS (either internal or external) or connect all your devices that utilize SMPS to their own filter.
What about your TV, your washing machine, your dishwasher, your lightbulbs and all the other electrical devices in your home? Have you checked if they "inject noise and harmonics"? Your concern sounds like making a mountain out of a molehill.
SMS are all around today (mostly 100V - 240V range). Yes they pollute as all electronics do too this inclusive all those LED lights which is the new standard bulb.
YES, all those appliances inject noise and harmonics, but that does NOT matter to me, because all that is BEFORE the isolation transformer.
I have just made my decision: I will make another isolation transformer (smaller than the main one) to exclusively power the DMP A6.