Display Option similar to RadioParadise

Discussion in 'Eversolo' started by Houdini, Jan 14, 2024.

  1. Houdini

    Houdini Member

    Since I purchased the A6 one option I really desired to display art, photos or album art in full screen of the A6. It's really great to have the option to display artwork in 3 different views, but I find all of them cluttered, and def wish for the ability to turn on/off additional info.

    The third party app RadioParadise does this really great, it even displays small copy of the album artwork in the bottom right, when it interacted with it boldens the text and adds additional info.

    Simplicity is sometimes a great option, I find that all the "views" are loaded with more info that I desire sometimes.

    An option to disable or enable additional info like sample rate etc would be really great
    , as I mentioned.

    A clock with a photo background would be lovely as well, I've seen many requests to disable it, I don't know how many times it's has happened that I heard something and looked at the A6 to get the information only to end up seeing the clock, and then after grabbing the remote having to cycle through many views to get where I want to be.


    Attached Files:

  2. Houdini

    Houdini Member

    Additional screen caps

    Attached Files:

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