Hi ,guys.Zidoo have their own addons for kodi. Use zdrepo,You can create your Private addons,If you want, you can share it to others. ①You can upload your own addons to the zidoo server. (link:http://www.zdrepo.com/) First,create an ZDrepo account Sign in by your account When you sign in,you can come to this page Upload addons (you can select or drag the addon here to upload) If your bind your device,your will find the addon in the Drepo, If you choose to share it, and has been verified, every one can be see the add-on in public, I'm glad to know you are a person who is willing to share with others. There is an audit when you sharing the add-on To bind you device Full it with device mac and code, Start your x1 box, find the code through this path --setings>>about device>>ZDrepo identify Code When you add success, you'll see your device list. Start you kodi,your will find the addon in ZDrepo list. When you refresh the ZDrepo and then search it, you can find your add-on accurately
Thanks for sharing it. I have come across from many article which consist the information about so many addons for kodi, but i like solarmovie on kodi the most.