Can't synchronize TV shows folder from different source. I keep getting the "operation has failed"

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Jimbo Randy, Jun 16, 2024.

  1. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Very odd - maybe something corrupt in the database possibly? I know you have to get everything perfect - eg. the new library must match the old library EXACTLY, bit for bit, so maybe a copying problem?
  2. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    I do not think it is a corruption problem. In my case, the media HDDs did not change at all. There was no copying involved. It was just the router/IP range change. And I have the issue.

    Additionally, the backup I was syncing to had JUST been created like a day or two earlier. It was fresh, not an old one. So I really doubt corruption is the issue here, however anything is possible!

    Given that many others seem to have the issue with ONLY TV Shows, it seems logical that there is some other factor at play. I have zero idea wtf is going on with it though.

    I am curious though if rolling back to a previous firmware fixes the issue? I'll have to test that some time.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2024
  3. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    There are one or two files in my TV shows folder that actually shows up as movies......I'm wondering if that has something to do with it? Maybe that causes the bug? @Tim Brown do you also have any TV shows that show up as Movies? I am just looking for some common themes here.

    @Z49845 what about you? Any files in your TV shows folder that is mapped to a movie in your library?
  4. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Have you named them exactly as they appear in TVDB or under the TV section of TMDB ?
  5. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    I just do what I have to do for the library manager in HT4.0 to recognize them. I manually match a lot of stuff though. Perhaps it can't reload manual matches and that's what flags the error? I think we need to gather more information from the other two people here who mentioned that they have this issue. Hopefully we can figure out some sort of common thread.
  6. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    But unless your names match what IMDB, TVDB etc HT will make a guess and put it in Movies instead of TV. Also if you include the episode name you run the risk that there may be a movie with the same name.
  7. Z49845

    Z49845 Member

    I have no shows marked as movies, but i use TMM to create the NFO and image files. Then i import the Nfo with Mcbluna DBTools.
    Jimbo Randy likes this.
  8. Tim Brown

    Tim Brown Member

    No, my TV Show source is only TV Shows.
    However, I did try a third source that is a mix of tv shows and movies. Sync worked fine on it. It is only the source containing only tv shows that fails.
    Jimbo Randy likes this.
  9. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    Interesting. It seems like too much of a coincidence that all of us are having this issue ONLY on TV shows. I doubt we all have file corruption at the same time. So I think it is a legit bug/issue. I just can't seem to figure out what is causing it.

    Has anyone tried to fix this issue by rolling back to a different firmware? Just curious.
  10. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    It has not happened on my UHD3000 for at least 2 years. I name my TV series quite simply eg The Mandalorian S01E05.mkv
    Jimbo Randy likes this.
  11. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    Thanks for confirming that. My suspicion is it's a problem on the Zidoo Z9x, assuming the other people here also have the OG z9x zidoos.
  12. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    And just to be clear, i'm not talking about synchronizing in general...that works fine. I'm talking about trying to migrate it to a different IP range and doing the "resyncronize based on other location" or whatever that option is called. Or if you were to copy the library to another hdd and resynch with that.
  13. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    I've not done that but I did shift all my sources to fixed addresses including of course the Zidoo itself and it all happened flawlessly. I allocated IP addresses below 200 to be handled by DHCP and the Zidoo and all it's sources above 200. So I've misunderstood what you were doing.
  14. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    No worries. Yea, it's weird. Seems to be only sources designated as TV Shows. I can just never change my IP range I guess, ha. This worries me though for when I eventually get new hard drives to store stuff on. Hopefully if the folder path, the drive letter, and the IP stays the same, it will work. We shall see.
  15. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Basically all I did in my router was to add 200 to the last figure to the original. So my NAS was became .204. Voila it worked and no more loss of sources whenever I completely powered off. Just curious is the name of the tv show that ends up in movies have a similar name to a real movie. It would be over 2 years ago I had a few like that but a simple rename and rematch fixed it. Doesn’t happen now.
    Jimbo Randy likes this.
  16. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    So the two files in TV shows that show under movies are only matched as movies by TMDB. It's a series that also has movies, so matching them as movies is correct. I just have them in the same HDD folder as the rest of the seasons. I was curious if this perhaps was what was causing the issue, but I don't think it is. I really don't know why this happens with TV Shows only. I think it is a problem with HT4.0.
  17. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    So rematch and use TVDB as the source and scroll down the list of posters till you find the correct match. Depending on how old the TV series is TMDB didn’t always have a completer TV database. Logically that’s why the site was called The Movie Database and it’s sister site The TV Database.
    Jimbo Randy likes this.
  18. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Also the third option is to use TVRage as the matching source as it is exclusively TV series albeit more populist and recent.

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