bug zidoo X10 and erase hdd

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X10' started by stephane58, Aug 16, 2017.

  1. stephane58

    stephane58 New Member


    I am the owner of a Zidoo x10 buy at the month of April 2017
    In which I put a hdd of 6 to format in NTFS filled with video

    I encounter a recurant problem that is repeated several times with this one:

    The problem is that at the start of the zidoo it remains blocked on the logo fix zidoo on the TV, and Hello on the box, and that my er erase everything that had on the hdd

    I solved the problem of the hello bug by reflashing the firmware, but the hard disk has been erased by the zidoo

    Its done 5 times this happens even with the latest firmware.

    I do not see anyone else on the forums having the same worries as me?

    If a person has an idea of the problem?


  2. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    i have seen another report of HDD getting wiped with reflash, seems a very localized bug that zidoo was unable to reproduce, ( i also tried a reflash once and my content on HDD was fine )
  3. stephane58

    stephane58 New Member

    Hello The hdd erase bug occurs at the start of the zidoo when that if remains block on hello

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