bricked Z1000 Pro

Discussion in 'other' started by martinflan, Aug 20, 2021.

  1. martinflan

    martinflan New Member

    Hi All,
    I want to start with saying, I know what I did was STUPID! and I have finally made my peace with that.

    I wanted to flash the firmware to the play store compatible firmware.
    I followed the guide on the Zidoo support to the letter... the problem is that I was following the Z1000 guide instead of the Z1000 pro guide.

    I have started to engage with my supplier, I have tried to flash with the correct firmware to no avail, but is I see there is a serial port on the back is there any alternative methods to resolve this?

    Right now there is no output to the HDMI, and here is nothing displayed on the VFD

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