Blur Fanart HT

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by MsieurSeb, Mar 25, 2021.

  1. MsieurSeb

    MsieurSeb Member

    Hello, is it possible to have an option to adjust the blur effect in the fanart on HT. I gave it a try and I find that we gain visibility.


  2. MsieurSeb

    MsieurSeb Member

    Or be based on the poster and have an automatic fanart with a blur effect like in my example.

  3. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    I've only had my Zidoo for a week so still finding my way around, however I have found that on the source device for the movie there is a folder called .hometheater and inside there is a folder called backdrops. If you search those files you probably will find the one you are after. Possibly using Photoshop or similar you blur the image making sure not to change the name of the file or changing it's size etc. I would make a backup first! .hometheater is normally invisable unless you have made it visible in your PC, not familiar enough to know about the MAC system.
  4. MsieurSeb

    MsieurSeb Member

    Yes that's what I do but I would like it to be automatic like Plex.

    Last edited: Apr 6, 2021
    Netmask likes this.

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