Auto picture switching ? Help

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Johnwoto, Aug 7, 2023.

  1. Johnwoto

    Johnwoto Active Member

    Hey Guys

    I’ve come on holiday and brought my Z9X - unfortunately I’ve forgotten to put the picture back to auto select before bringing it - is there a way to reset the picture back to auto using a remote also I don’t have the standard remote with me only a small one that I mapped some of the buttons on.

    I have tried a reset by holding the reset button in and then turning the power back on but it just hangs on HELLO - am I doing the reset wrong ? as this is the last resort to do a full reset
  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Assuming you mean the resolution, and I assume you mean that the display on holiday doesn't support your set resolution?

    The only way to do it is press the Resolution button on the remote successively, leaving time between presses for the TV to sync - it cycles through resolutions until you find one the TV supports, then you can set as you like. But if you haven't mapped that button on the remote you're a bit buggered.

    You could send the command from a web browser using the IP protocol if you want to get clever...


    The reset button on the back is used for the emergency USB flash procedure. Not recommended. It doesn't perform a reset itself.

    (I used to take Mede8ers on holiday years ago - now I just take a Firestick... Far easier)
  3. Johnwoto

    Johnwoto Active Member

    Thanks for the reply - I don’t have that button mapped unfortunately - not sure if that ip protocol will work as the player isn’t on the internet - I do know the ip address of the player so will give it a go
  4. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Doesn't need to be on the internet, just connected to a local network - but if you're in a hotel then undoubtedly the network will have network isolation so you can't muck about on it.
  5. Johnwoto

    Johnwoto Active Member

    I thought it would need to be connected to a router as that command wouldn’t know where to go - thanks any for your help - will figure something out

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