Aspect ratio is wrong, why?

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by TomasVolley, Sep 1, 2023.

  1. TomasVolley

    TomasVolley New Member

    Hello everyone

    I have Gladiator film in the 16:9 format but Zidoo 1000 wants to play this as 2.35:1 and I can not change it. In addition, I have Gordon Ramsey TV show as 1.33:1 but Zidoo wants to "fit the screen" and it is strecthed. I can not change it.

    Have I missed something in the menu? I play with Sony projector and the film format is Auto. Shall I switch to something else?

    I do not want to shift everytime there is a new format I play. This is handled without problems on Apple TV and Chromecast and my computer with VLC.

    So where is the problem?

    Also, is it safe to delete / reset HT4 - settings/library/Clear Data/<Clear>? I read this sorts the problem of not being able to see trailers when identifying with TDMB.


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