Artefacts using DSP of A8

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A8' started by soulsoffire, Mar 21, 2024.

  1. soulsoffire

    soulsoffire New Member

    I received my A8 last week and generally happy with it. One important feature is the DSP function as I want to use it to EQ out the room mode I have in the low frequency (between 30Hz and 50Hz). I tried the parametric EQ to filter out these frequency. Unfortunately the DSP always gives me weird artefacts when using it. Independent if I use apple music to listen to songs or on my installed hard drive. Did any experienced these problems? Is there a fix for it?

    Thanks allot for your help!
  2. Purité Audio

    Purité Audio Well-Known Member

    What are the parameters of the filters you are using and how did you ascertain them?
  3. soulsoffire

    soulsoffire New Member

    Hi Keith, I think I have found the problem. I set the DSP gain to 0 db and even though I only used attentuading EQs it clipped. With overall gain set to -1 it works now.
    Nutul likes this.
  4. Purité Audio

    Purité Audio Well-Known Member

    Excellent, I believe Eversolo recommends keeping at -5dB.
    Nutul likes this.

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