Another ip remote

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X6 Pro' started by alberty, Nov 1, 2016.

  1. alberty

    alberty New Member

    Hello ,

    I have recieved my zidoo x6 pro some days before . I used before that another Android tv box . I used an ip remote which worked perfectly. Now, with the zidoo , i can't connect any ip remote !! Even with the quicksuport from teamviewer don't work . I can't find the zidoo in my network . I dont have any firewall ot other thibg thzy can my be bock the connection.

    Thanks to help me.
  2. alberty

    alberty New Member

    Another thing , the ip remote frol zidoo worked well but i m not satisfied with.
  3. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    If you want to use Teamviewer remote control apps, the Zidoo version is the only one that works.
    Other from Google Play don't. So you need avoid updates.
    You must be content of it.
  4. alberty

    alberty New Member

    I downloaded the signed app and the app from the forum not from the playstore but it doesen't work . I think there is something who blocks. How the ip remote from zidoo can connect to the zidoo ??
  5. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    What do you mean saying "ip remote" ?
    I don't understand.
    Besides AirDroid, that runs on X6 Pro but is not as smooth as Teamviewer apps, the only other one that works (with limit) is Teamviewer Quick Support, but only the Zidoo released one.
    If you are talking about another app, you must be detailed and accurate.
  6. alberty

    alberty New Member

    I m talking about this app. I used it before with another Android box and it worked very well .

    Attached Files:

  7. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    OK, you want to control your X6 Pro from another android device used like a more sophisticated IR remote control.
    Instead of vague app description, you may easily put a link in your post using the "chain" icon you see during message writing.
    The app is this:
    Well, i hope Zidoo developer could give you some advices, I don't want to use this app, I'm (a little) satisfied using original IR remote AND a AirMouse/Keyboard.

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