@ Funkyone Thank you for sharing your experience. But from what I understand, MisterL changed two Fosi V3 monobloc for a Hegel and advised you to switch to two F2 monobloc to significantly improve your feeling. My god it's hard to get an idea of the truth... I suggest that you send me by mail all your amps so that I can try in real comparison
So after reading all the info on here I have just eaten the bullet and ordered an AMP-F2. I am really looking forward to trying it out, hopefully I will prefer it to the Fosi ZA3's that I have been using.
An interesting review. The author states a preference for using the amp via (presumably the balanced inputs) although this isn't specifically stated in the review but rather implied, citing "The Singxer SA-1 has pretty much assumed dedicated duty as a preamp, now. The Class A architecture infuses a wonderful essence into the sound signature. And it’s fully balanced, so the cable plant stays true balanced all the way through. That’s huge for me. I know, I know, balanced doesn’t sound any better that single ended, yada-yada-yada. Bullshit! ". An interesting statement as the balanced inputs in the AMP-F2 become unbalanced within the power amp in stereo mode. Sure, balanced interconnects have their advantages but given the probable short lengths of the cables on the reviewer's desk setup, any "improvements" in signal to noise ratio / noise rejection normally associated with balanced cables over long cable runs would be moot in such short interconnects. Just for complete transparency I'm not negatively critiquing the eversolo AMP-F2, just the assumption that balanced connections are automatically superior to unbalanced in a non-studio environment using short length cables is highly debatable.
I often take dealer reviews with a pinch or two of salt. Maybe a shovel load at times ..... It's the same with a lot of YouTube reviews where the reviewer either gets paid for their efforts or gets to keep the product. In the case of a dealer, the vested interest is in selling units for a profit. A couple of things stand out in this dealer video review - He says it's an entry level product. No argument, but I haven't heard it or tested it so I'm in no position to comment with any authority as to where IMO it sits on the audiophile tier scale. 300 hours of "burn in" required. Now read that in conjunction with the 30 days money back satisfaction guarantee. That's 10 hours of listening per day for 30 days to get the 300 hours of "burn in" completed. That's some dedicated listening IMHO. I quite like my DMP-A6 and listening to music in general from a variety of sources, but I doubt I would do 300 hours in a month of dedicated listening. How about the rest of you guys and gals?
If you can spend 10 hours a day of critical listening for an entire month, I guess somebody's paying your bills... I need to go to work; don't know about all of you guys, though... But in the end the money-back period will be expired, and that alone should make you re-think the burn-in thing... Or you would be totally cooked, and the product will sound magnificent to your ears, and you wouldn't return it at all. Dealer tricks for dumb chicks, IMHO.
This seems endemic across the "audiophile snake oil" industry. Unrealistic timeframes before some "magic" occurs, which in retrospect very few if any customers are going to attain. There's this company who sell fuses that come in different colours and have a furry dot on them (but apparently not on their latest offering which seem to be "nude" ) that make similar claims. "You will notice (insert whatever audio fantasy is on your wish list to occur) only after about 300 or more hours of listening." Similar satisfaction or your money back guarantee. Then when you try to claim on this guarantee you will be presented with a laundry list of things you either did wrong or needed to try by the purveyors of this fine snake oil. Excuses like - "Did you insert the fuse in the correct orientation? Our fuses are directional." "The weak link is your power cable, that's why you didn't notice the improvements." " Your power is dirty". Hang on, isn't that what these fuses are supposed to do - clean up that dirty power? "We sell power cables and power conditioners too!" "Have you considered our acoustic dots you stick on the wall near your speakers? These will transform your sound." yadda, yadda, yadda .... One of these days when I lose my mind I'll buy one of these magic fuses (which BTW can cost as much as an eversolo AMP-F2 power amplifier does) and bust it open to see what makes it so magic. Furthermore, I'll send the fuse wire off to a metallurgist to find out what special properties (if any) the fuse has. What are the odds that it will be no different from a standard fuse in a ceramic body? The list of these products never ends and IME there is a long line of people more than prepared to depart with their money in the pursuit of audio nirvana, which BTW is entirely their choice.
Here is the F2 amplifier, how well or not. But you mix some other things next to it. you and some more weird next to you
Again, I just here my auditory experience with F2 in my system. I also gave my opinion on the burst and, but you don't have this amplifier and you are most clever. Bratko
Wow. It's disappointing to read that one individual here can't seem to express his opinion without having to resort it petty schoolboy insults. Yes, we get it you love this amplifier and so do many others, but IMHO the way you're going about expressing yourself does nothing constructive to influencing people. IME, audio enthusiasts (especially audiophiles) often have very strong and often polarising opinions about all things to do with the subject. Often not based in fact and are based purely on subjective observation, and I'm completely comfortable that you evaluate your equipment that way. It's your money, it's your listening experience and I completely respect that. Subjective opinions are as just that - opinions. What I (and I'm sure other do too) is find your mode of expression a tad distasteful. There is absolutely no reason to insult people in order to articulate your point of view. A bit of civility IME goes a long way.
Whilst there are plenty of sheep grazing on the farmer's paddock behind my property, the kangaroos grazing on mine are far more interesting.
Hi, I hope you can help me. I’ve bought an Eversolo Amp-F2, and I’d like to turn it on using 12-volt trigger. I have a receiver with a 3.5 mm mono mini-jack 12-volt trigger output, but I see others mentioning that it needs to be a 3.5 mm stereo mini-jack. Can I use a 3.5 mm mono mini-jack for the Eversolo amplifier? Best regards Kim