Hi Eversolo Fans, I am owner of a DMP-A8 with the newest SW Version. I use TIDAL and I use Apple AirPlay. AirPlay is importand for me because it is the easiest way for my Family listen to our big number of playlists. But AirPlay has all the time Dropouts of a Second. I have also installed the Apple App on the Eversolo, but the handling of the Android Version is completley different to the Apple IOS Version. It is a nightmare if you have hundreds of Playlists like we have. Sorry Eversolo-Team but its not usable. Has anybody the same issue or has anybody a Solution for me. best regards
Hello, sorry to hear about your problems with the A8 I believe I follow you perfectly as to your descriptive situation. I am also a fan of Apple Music, but I still have not tried it on my. A8 , due to running into placement problems with an overcrowded rec room what I was wondering is you said you were running Tidal ? Also, could you please tell me which streaming service you installed on the unit first thank you for your time and concern I remain respectfully yours. I’m sure you’ll your problem will be rectified. I have had minor problems now that I think about it with a much more expensive screamers ,, about three times as much as the A8 if that’s saying anything for you, just another glitch in the digital audio world
Yes, this is just an add-on which I’m sure you are well aware of if you Google about using Apple Music on the A8 there is quite a bit of information on that particular subject. Also, there is a new member under the A8 forum where there’s pretty Lenthey discussions about Apple Music and others, etc. Shame hope this helps him. I guess I’ll be looking into some of it myself eventually but for now I’m kind of just stuck where I am with UNIT but I will tell you this I’ve had a few other high dollar streamers and I would say the AA8 is at least 90% of the big ones which I’ve had came and went, but I don’t think you could beat the A8 not for cost absolutely no way I don’t care who says what it’s all about hype and making as much money as possible / OK good luck let me get out of here before I start ranting about these other companies which I’ve spent literally thousands of dollars more on only to sell them and take a loss as usual ♂️♂️…. Sorry about the iPhone text talk best I have at the moment
Hi, today I made a complete Factory reset and starten the setup new. TIDAL an Apple Music is installed with the Version 1.3.30. I loggen in in Both Apps and startet listening. TIDAL worked very well. And Apple Music. One Hour no dropouts. I startet smiling. But after another 30 minutes the First dropout. 5 minutes later the next One. I am still waiting since 20 minutes… Oh - the next dropout…. I am so happy with the Sound and Design of the DMP-8. But if you can not listen to the music without disturbance of dropouts you must search for another manufacturer
Hello again, just walking through the park reading comments I see that you’re still having a problem with the Apple Music. I was going to suggest a factory reset but I just assumed you did not want to go through putting all the apps and material basically doing a new installation again it throughout the years and running into all sorts of weird problems with different equipment from different manufactures. Have you ever tried installing Apple Music first and then try to install your tidal before you install the tidal I would listen to the Apple Music for a while just to see what happens. Sounds like something is conflicting with the other , I really wouldn’t blame the A8 I’ve had similar problems plus other problems with a few units that were not Eversolos, might be worth a try. Hope this works out for you. Enjoy and happy listening. ♂️♂️ When you get into streaming no matter what the unit so far as their current progress, which is quite amazing you’re always going to run into a gremlin somewhere along. The line stayed awake too many nights only to eventually figure it out.
Hello, same problem as always, the problem is not with Apple Music, the problem is with Airplay, continuous microcuts, quite annoying, you can't hear it. Airplay from my point of view, I first had the A6, one of the first, it has gotten worse with each update, I also do not understand why it was changed to Airplay 2, and the insistence of users for this change, when Airplay 1 was capable of transmitting no losses in ALAC. Well, really the problem here is that I can't play anything over Airplay.