Adb zidoo

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Cristiango, May 15, 2021.

  1. Cristiango

    Cristiango Member

    hello good, i'm trying to connect to zidoo by adb, my question is if i need a usb cable from windows to zidoo? Thank you
  2. pcristi

    pcristi Active Member

  3. Cristiango

    Cristiango Member

    I can't get through adb
  4. McBluna

    McBluna Well-Known Member

    Did you enable developer options and USB debugging and approved it?
  5. McBluna

    McBluna Well-Known Member

    Btw on my Z9S I've to disable and enable USB debugging everytime I want to connect.
  6. Cristiango

    Cristiango Member

    if i enable the options and nothing, my question is if i have to connect the zidoo by cable to the pc?
  7. Raymond Lim

    Raymond Lim Member

    No need to connect a physical cable from the media player to the PC. Just make sure you do it properly.

    1) enable the USB debugging in the Developer option
    2) check to see that your Zidoo media player has a valid working IP address that has been assigned by your router
    3) make sure the port is 5555 unless you change to something else, if so then change accordingly

    As long as your router is able to see your PC and the Zidoo IP address, the 2 devices should be able to connect and communicate using the ADB.
  8. Cristiango

    Cristiango Member

    Thanks for answering, I do it to the letter and nothing, I think I don't do it right, some step-by-step tutorial for adb? Thank you
  9. Cristiango

    Cristiango Member

    I have already been able to do it, thanks
  10. Raymond Lim

    Raymond Lim Member

    Glad to know... :)
    Cristiango likes this.

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