1 Database - Multiple Zidoo Players

Discussion in 'General - Guides and FAQ' started by Nicholas Degenhart, Oct 12, 2021.

  1. Nicholas Degenhart

    Nicholas Degenhart New Member

    Not sure if this is possible but...

    Over the last couple years I have upgraded from my X10 to the Z9X to now the 1000Pro.

    I would like to use the two older unit on my other TVs in the house. Is there any way to update the posterwall "unmatched" and mis-matched shows/movies on one Zidoo box (the 1000Pro) and have that propagate to the other two boxes so they update as well?
  2. Yes, you can save the library file on 1000pro & if the posterwall of the other player - X10 is same version like on 1000pro you can load the library on X10. If PW on X10 is old version it will stop with black screen.

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