TS recording h264 annex-B compliance

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X9' started by danman, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. danman

    danman Member

    Yes, that would be the cleanest way but you might face problems with setting up HDMI input into MediaRecorder which may require some proprietary code for which we don't have sources for. But I'm only guessing, I didn't spent much time studying the recorder code yet.
  2. from your error messages, it seems that they already use MediaRecorder.
  3. danman

    danman Member

    Yes, you are right, but we don't know how exactly.
  4. danman

    danman Member

  5. I am still doing other changes, but when I star trying the stream, I will do, thanks!
  6. danman

    danman Member

  7. any news on this, danman?
  8. Hey man!
    I am doing some tests with your source code: https://github.com/danielkucera/ZidoStreamer

    but so far, no luck :(

    I get a IOError with java.io.FileNotFoundException: mkfifo

    I will debug it, but choose to ask to you first if I have to set up something else before it works!

  9. got it... the assets folder is missing in the source. Got them from the signed apk!
  10. Yeahman45

    Yeahman45 Member

    does the stream starts on request? great project by the way!!!
  11. danman

    danman Member

    Thanks. The app is written as background service and for now it starts as soon as it is open from menu. I'm planning to add boot broadcast receiver so it starts right after the android system boots and some controls to manually start/stop/restart it using remote control.
  12. did you make it work with the youtube live?
    I try some configurations with the ffmpeg but no luck, even with old .ts recordings :(
  13. danman

    danman Member

  14. Sarco

    Sarco Active Member Beta test group

    Real nice!

  15. running flawless!!!

    The only addictions that I did was:
    1 - move the stream.ts to the usb harddrive
    2 - add the ffmpeg output to the logcat
    wojtekadams likes this.
  16. danman

    danman Member

    nice :) publish your code if you can.
  17. Sarco

    Sarco Active Member Beta test group

    Wow, now I think that one day I will be able to stream my tv to my pc with my lightpack, am I wrong?
  18. ah, my bad... you did add the output already :)

    and I changed the path to:
    streamFifo = "/mnt/usb/sda1/stream.ts";


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