Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Peacestv, Apr 11, 2024.

  1. Peacestv

    Peacestv New Member

    I am new to the Zidoo player. I have about 450 movies. 2/3rds are UHD.
    They are all in .iso format.

    I keep reading in this forum that the preference for many is to have their video files in MKV.
    I do not need the BR Menu

    Is there any advantage to me spending the hundreds of hours reformatting my collection to the MKV format?
  2. AngryVirginian

    AngryVirginian Active Member

    - Save storage space by removing audio, subtitles, extras, etc that you don't want
    - Can get to extras without BR menu (if you rip the extras).
    - No BR menu
    - Compatibility other media solutions that don't support ISO / BDMV such as Plex

    - Loses DV FEL compatibility when playing on jailbroken Oppo & the clones
    - Java based extras such as games, maps, some slide shows won't rip to MKV
  3. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    - Saves you having your life force sucked from you while trying to comprehend why some imbecile could possibly write such a horrific piece of BD Java.

    - None

    YMMV ;)
    RDS - Z9X Pro, Netmask and xskip like this.
  4. Mikis

    Mikis Member

    Either I am looking for how convert good many ISO files on MKV, have you any ideas that the software is BEST?

    Make MKV I'm tested and cannot change order streams and set default stream for audio and subtitles.
  5. Michael Wright

    Michael Wright New Member

    MakeMKV.exe bar none.
  6. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Using mkvtoolnix after you have made the mkv you can change the order, remove items not required etc. If you use the Header Editor you can set defaults without having to remux, make the change and save
  7. nmfrankl

    nmfrankl New Member

    I have nearly all my movies backed up as ISO files. DVDFab lets me only choose which audio tracks and subtitle tracks I want when making the ISO, so I can "cut the fat" just as I could when making an MKV file. However, I have run into one issue. "The Da Vinci Code" subtitles were not ideal. I could not get it to play with just the forced subtitles only. To be fair, I did not know it had forced subtitles when I backed it up (it had been quite some time since I had seen it). So, it is possible I could have changed some settings in DVDFab when creating the ISO. However, I was able to correct it after converting the file to an MKV and using MKVToolnix.

    Also, TV shows are much easier to work with when each episode is an MKV I back up my TV shows using that file format.
  8. Mikis

    Mikis Member

    Set default streams audio and subtitles in MKVToolNix be wasted, when player this set ignores and always playback last selected audio or subtitles stream.

    MKVToolNix then unsupported opening ISO file and I must use other software to conversion ISO to MKV file?
  9. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    Keep the ISO files and save yourself a headache. Zidoo will open ISO file and decode the main title on the fly over the network SMB. No issues at all. All extras are there using pop up menu from the player and selecting different title. My large 3D collection is all in ISO format. Sometime I like to look at the disk menu.
    Racer X likes this.
  10. Mikis

    Mikis Member

    So I Shall I by then all in ISO files, but only main movie with selected audio and subtitles streams. I would like it, but convert to MKV about Dolby Vision when profile 8 (dvhe.08.06) don't go play in ISO file and I would like had all collection in same format.
  11. joaquim martins

    joaquim martins New Member

    Good afternoon, based on my experience with DVDFab, I don't and will never use mkv because I don't like it, I really hate hearing about this format. I have everything in ISO format and I never changed it because it is the natural format of things, mkv and other inventions. For me only ISO.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2024
    Racer X likes this.
  12. Racer X

    Racer X New Member

    And there is no any other option to store full 3D quality in such a small volume. 3D Frame Packing is only possible in ISO format. In MKV with the same file size you can get only Half OverUnder or Half SideBySide formats with the loss of half the resolution or doubling the file size in the case of full resolution.
  13. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    I have a mix of MKV, BDMV and ISO. With BDMV and ISO you don't need to bring up the BR menu. You can simply play the main movie directly.
  14. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Every 3D rip I’ve done of my 3D BD discs are MKV and are frame packed.
  15. Mikis

    Mikis Member

    In what is MKV so bad?

    I Shall I yet either all movies in ISO, but Shall I problem with DVHE.08.06 that don't go in ISO play.
  16. hdmkv

    hdmkv Active Member Beta test group

    MKV is the way to go. More efficient than ISO, and more media-player friendly. Although Zidoo doesn't support TV-led FEL DV, these MKV's play great on my Ugoos AM6B+ with CoreELEC.
  17. Mikis

    Mikis Member

    What that means, that Zidoo will not playback MKV with FEL DV profile 07.06?
  18. joaquim martins

    joaquim martins New Member

    Boa noite, não tenho nada contra MKV, só não uso e nunca vou usar, prefiro todos os filmes e shows musicais em formato iso. Mesmo no meu carro, todos os arquivos musicais estão em BD ISO e funcionam muito bem. Aliás no DVDFab eles podem compactar para BD25, não gosto de compactação, se o filme tiver 90GB é assim que vai dentro do disco. Prefiro sempre a máxima qualidade.
  19. Deano86

    Deano86 Active Member

    Wrong, wrong, wrong.... either you have received some terrible information or you are doing something totally incorrect.
  20. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Sounds like something that came from AVS ;)

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