Best Way to Add Sources (question)

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by PaulW9, Jan 27, 2024.

  1. PaulW9

    PaulW9 New Member


    New to this forum. I just got a UHD5000. I updated to the latest firmware. I have a Zappiti player so am kind of familiar with players like these. My question is this:

    I got everything setup and updated firmware. Next was to add sources, I have a NAS and connected to it by SMB, no problem. On the NAS I have a folder called Video. Within that are sub folders: Movies, TV Shows, Concerts, Demos. I selected the top level "Videos folder" and the Zidoo started the scan process and identification.

    What I am wondering now is if I should have added the sub folders individually as separate sources? Is there an advantage to doing that way or does it not matter?

    Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this.

  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Doesn't really matter unless you want to be able to access each "Source" individually and have say a poster page for each source available.

    So if you do it separately you could have categories (widgets) for Movies, TV Shows, Concerts & Demos.

    I have 3 sources, 4K1, 4K2 and 4K3 and have a widget for each on the home page:

    PaulW9 likes this.
  3. PaulW9

    PaulW9 New Member

    Thank you. I would like to be able to have a widget for movies and a widget for concerts. Right now on my Zappiti (R_video software). My concerts and movies are mixed in all together under movies. It would be fantastic to have them separate on my Zidoo (what a great feature and something I was hoping for with Zidoo).

    Right now the way I did my initial scan was of the whole "video" folder on my NAS. Looking at the file manager it kept the sub folders though. Can I still do it or should I wipe everything and do a new scan of each sub folder individually? I dont mind doing it again if needed.

    Thanks agaain for your expertise.

    What folders like like now under file manager:

    Screenshot 2024-01-28 at 7.05.22 AM.png Screenshot 2024-01-28 at 7.05.40 AM.png
  4. McBluna

    McBluna Well-Known Member

    I've never tried it but what you could try is to define one source with concert folder excluded and one with the rest excluded.
    PaulW9 likes this.
  5. PaulW9

    PaulW9 New Member

    Thanks. I may try that. Since I am at the very early stages I may do a fresh scan as individual folders this time. What is the best way to start fresh. Do a full reset of the player do and re do the sources and scraping? I know it will take time to scan again but do not mind if necessary. Just want to be sure no actual files on my NAS get touched (deleted). I believe on the player under settings there are 2 options to reset. Just being overly cautious I guess.
  6. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    It's up to you - you don't have to rescan, you can create a custom category and add folders from sources to it - so you can keep your one source and create a Movies category and a Concerts category and add whatever folders from the source you want to them.
    PaulW9 likes this.
  7. PaulW9

    PaulW9 New Member

    Thanks. Looking through my unidentified list of movies there are some in there that I know are not in the TMDB. Is there a way to identify them manually? On my other system I could manually add all the info: Title, release year, then upload my own art. Can this be done on the Zidoo?

    I dont want to be annoying piling on the questions just trying to get the lay of the land with this system.
  8. 1971camaroguy

    1971camaroguy New Member


    So if I am understanding this correctly if I wanted to have a widget for different types of Horror (Slasher, Ghosts, Zombies ect).

    Currently all of my movies are in a top level folder calleed "Movies" and each movie has it's own folder named correctly.

    Currently mapped as NFS as it's own source with path to the Movies folder. All movies added to the single source folder.

    Movies > Halloween (1978)
    Movies >World War Z (2013)
    Movies > Howl (2015)

    To use widgets and have them by specific horror genere I would do this? Slashers, Zombies, and Werewolves woulds be one level down from the Movies folder.

    Movies > Slashers > Halloween (1978)
    Movies > Zombies > World War Z (2013)
    Movies > Werewolves > Howl (2015)

    And all I need to do is created a source folder for each one and map each folder as a source in the HT 4.0 UI? How would I map the widget to the source folder?

    If this works I would go in and split up all of my movies into it's own source folder below the main Movies folder and remove the main Movies folder as the source , and only use the subfolders.

    Sorry for the questions, I am just trying to figure all of this out.

  9. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    That's one way to do it - if you have a source for each widget you want it's easy because widgets for each source are automatically added - no need to create one.

    But you'll have a load of sources to manage and it kind of hard codes it.

    The way I'd probably do it is just create a custom widget for each category you want and then just add the movies to that widget. Bit time consuming but way more flexible - movies can be added to multiple widgets - say you have a Zombie Slasher movie ;)
  10. 1971camaroguy

    1971camaroguy New Member

    Awesome thank you! I'll need to decide how I want to do this...I made a Comic Movie widget a while back and manually added the movies to it. It wasn't too bad. Pretty quick to pick a movie and add it if the widget is already created.
    Markswift2003 likes this.

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