Poster wall buildup on Z2600 is very slow when collection is getting big

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Stormlord777, Jan 21, 2024.

  1. Stormlord777

    Stormlord777 New Member

    Hi everyone,

    I just started using a Zidoo media Player for the first time. Up until now I used an Nvidia shield with kodi Omega Beta 2. Because the shield hardware is not been updated in quite some time I was looking for something as an alternative. After reading some forum post, looking at reviews and watching some youtube videos I decided to go for the Zidoo Z2600.

    The problem that I have when I scrap my movie collection in the zidoo the Poster wall builds up very very slow (not workable). Have tried a lot of things to improve this but nothing seems to work. So as a last resort I hope that someone here can come up with a workable solution. I try to describe a closely what my situation is.

    Ok let me first give you a small overview what my situation is. My collection of movies is as follow:
    - UHD ripped movies (Full UHD version - mkv): ~1800
    - Bluray ripped movies (Full Blu-ray version - mkv) ~2500
    - TV-shows (not scrapped yet but also a big collection)
    All the movies are stored on multiple synology Nas's. Number of resources is 6 (this is without the tv-show yet)
    All movies are in a separate directory and already contain all metadata scrapped via Tiny Media Manager (TMM). So the movie folder contains at least:
    - Poster
    - Fanart
    - nfo
    - other optional things like clearlogo/banner/clearart/....

    The naming convention that I use are:
    Directory name: Pianist, The (2002)
    File name: The Pianist (2002) 2160p.HDR.DV.10bit.h265.DTSHD-MA.Bluray.mkv

    All re-naming is done automatically for all movies when I scrap them with TMM (so all the files and directories are the same, no manual changing is done).

    The Nas's are connected in the following way: Media room NAS's (10Gbit) --> Switch Living room (1Gbit) --> Zidoo 2600 (1Gbit). When testing full speed is achieved.

    Ok so now some info of settings in the Zidoo.
    - I added an internal 1TB SSD (Samsung EVO) via the Sata interface. Here I also added my CUSTOM folder which contains .HomeTheater directory (I do see that this directory gets populated when I scroll through my poster wall). I also tried this when the Custom folder was on the Zidoo drive but there was no difference)
    In the menu "Poster Folder" I selected "Custom folder"

    - In the "Preferences" menu I disabled "Use local images first" I assume this means Zidoo is using the poster images from the CUSTUM folder of the drive in the Zidoo and NOT on my NAS.

    - For the scrapping part menu "NFO parse default option" I selected Prioritize parsing of NFO files".

    When I scan all my sources all moves are found so no issue there but when I go to the Movie or All widget (category) I get to see the movie wall, I then slowly go through all the moves from top to bottom so it can build the cache (I do see the .HomeTheater getting the posters in my Custom directory).

    After that I would expect everything to be much faster but that is sadly not the case. The build up is very slow and with slow I mean not very workable when looking at the user experience)

    I also made a new category and added only 400 movies in to this. When I go to the poster wall of this category the speed is exceptional)

    When I increase the amount of movies to 1000 the speed is bad again. It looks that when scrolling for top to bottom for the first couple of hundred movies it goes fast but then you see the slow build up again). Looks if the first part is uses the internal memory and then it switch to the disc cache (this is at least how it looks to me but it is just an assumption of my side). Also when I scroll up again that goes slow now

    Sorry for the long story but its a little bit of frustrating to get new hardware and it does not work as you hope it would. So maybe I am doing something wrong and in that case I hope you guys/girls can point me in the correct direction.

    B.T.W other things:
    - Firmware used Z2600_11_v1.0.75_202401091014_ota-package
    - Cleaned all data and do everything again (couple of times)
    - Factory reset of the zidoo
    - Video and Audio quality very good (so very happy with that).

    A secondary question. Can I use Kodi and does it than use the hardware of the Zidoo because as mentioned the video and audio are top and no issue during playing (HDR, Dolbyvision of any of the HD audio formats). Where can I download it from? What version?

    Thars it. I hope someone can help me.
  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

  3. Stormlord777

    Stormlord777 New Member

    Hi, Yes I did already read that tread and I think most things mentioned there I already tried.
  4. Stormlord777

    Stormlord777 New Member

    One addition: I did a install of ZDMC (20.2) and imported my ULD resources (~1800 movies). There it did work fine via the poster wall. Scrolling went very fast
  5. WRBreland

    WRBreland Member

    In HT4 if you select a title by using the alphabet selector on the right what is the speed like for say a title that begins with U?
  6. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Unfortunately, for a large library, it is what it is - there's nothing you can do to improve it.
  7. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Depends on the library size and poster size:

  8. Stormlord777

    Stormlord777 New Member

    If I move from A to U for example the poster screen will be completely empty and then after a few seconds it will slowly start filling the screen again. Once I go over ~600 movies it becomes slow me.
    So this is not workable for me in the current situation. So for now I switch to ZDMC and hope that they will fix this issue.

    Only issue with ZDMC (maybe also other apps) is that the app is not visible after a reboot (yet still installed) so I can not start it up again. Very strange
  9. Stormlord777

    Stormlord777 New Member

    Are they looking for a solution to this problem? Because it still would be nice to use HT4 at least that was one of the reasons I bought the machine
  10. WRBreland

    WRBreland Member

    OK, see my post # 71 in the HT4 Slow Poster Refresh Issue thread.
  11. Stormlord777

    Stormlord777 New Member

    Thanks for the info. Can not try this at the moment. Had to do a factory reset because of the issue that ZDMC was removed from the apps menu after a restart.
    But have I clean machine now but ZDMC keeps visible in the app menu so happy with that.
    Will do the setup during the weekend and then I will give it a try
  12. limitz

    limitz Member

    Plex or Jellyfin is the only answer. You'll shortchange yourself any other way.

    Let the server do the heavy lifting. Poster wall is just scratching the surface of what Plex can do.
  13. AngryVirginian

    AngryVirginian Active Member

    I have raised this point a couple years ago. There is no paging logic in Zidoo's poster view display unlike Zappiti's. To display the U posters in the alphabetical view, Zidoo will load all posters from A to T first before it loads the U posters. The slow loading will probably never be fixed if Zidoo doesn't change their poster loading logic. E.g., consider where the current cursor is and then just load posters around it instead of the current logic to load everything before the cursor.
  14. WRBreland

    WRBreland Member

    At present I'm using a Zappiti NAS SE and do not have administrative access so no software install. Me, I just want to watch one of my movies so the fastest way to the movie works best for me.

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