Supported filesystem & cluster size for external harddisc

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by DeuTa, Mar 14, 2023.

  1. DeuTa

    DeuTa Member

    Is there any information which filesystems and cluster sizes the zidoo supports?

    I recently found out that NTFS with a cluster size of 128kb is not supported (disc was not recognised).
    I know that NTFS with 4k works but I wanted to increase the clusters.

    Is that the only supported cluster size for NTFS?
  2. John7

    John7 New Member

    I have a problem with an NVME drive mounted in a USB 3.2 enclosure. The drive will only be recognised using a certain brand of USB cable. I have tried several other USB 3.2 cables and it's not regcognised! Works fine on the PC though....very strange. I checked the cluster size and it's 4K.
  3. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    The Windows default parameters work just fine.

    Don't play with those as Android just made NTFS work assuming defaults being used.
    Maximum HDD size supported is 16 TByte when SATA attached.
    3DBuff likes this.
  4. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    I use ext4 option when formatting my discs in my Zidoo, I find it more stable, any reason not to do so? I don't need to use them on a PC machine.
  5. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Excellent alternative. Some people also run Linux on a PC and then EXT4 is obviously the way to go.
    I don't know and never tried that 16 TByte limit but it could be there too as it it not caused by the filesystem but by using 32-bit registers for sector addressing.

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