Automatic Updating Sources not working correctly

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Kurt, Mar 31, 2021.

  1. Kurt

    Kurt Member

    If you have this setting turned on, the constant scanning of the HDD will happen as soon as you turn on the system... HT4 does not need to be running. It should only work when HT4 is running.

    If you have a large HDD with a lot of files on it (16TB with over 7000 movies is what I have), the HDD will scan for ever.. literally days. It is not 'updating' per say (only updating new files) is is scanning everything over and over. Once it finds new files (the several new movies you may add to it) it should stop scanning.

    (Z10Pro & 16TB HDD)
  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Sounds like you need a reset - In the normal course of events, if you look at a Wireshark trace of a Zidoo with Auto Update turned on you will see it constantly trawling through directories on your sources, but this happens in the background and uses very little resource so when something changes in that file structure it is picked up almost immediately and just the change is scanned.

    If you see constant scanning, something else is wrong - either the file structure is constantly changing (unlikely) or the zidoo has got into some kind of loop.
  3. Kurt

    Kurt Member

    Hi, I did a reset before the last beta update (6.1.15 - no google)
    My structure is a movie directory, then movies are in their own folders.
    I think it has something to do with the size of the HDD (16TB HDD).
    A smaller 4TB for example will not keep running (sounding like a defrag), like the larger 16TB drive does.
    I dont think these larger HDD's are fully compatible... either with the OS or zidoo hardware
  4. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I remember seeing a similar constant scanning issue back in the days of HT2 but not for a couple of years - you could be right though, it could be to do with the partition size - I assume from what you say that this is connected by USB?
  5. Kurt

    Kurt Member

    I tried connecting it with USB and also the internal SATA.. same problem.
    I also tried various formats of the HDD itself (ext, ntfs, ...)

    I also tried partitioning the HDD into 2 x 8TB drives.
    Its been a few months, but if I remember correctly it still had the same problem... thats why I just put it back to a 1 x 16TB source

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