Какой плеер лучше, Dune Solo 8K или Zidoo Z30 Pro? Что у них общего и в чем различия?
Everything plays well on the zidoo 5000 and dune solo 4k.
Заметил,что в zidoo uhd 5000 сильно греется процессор,это нормально? [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Is it possible to connect the Panasonic SC-PMX 90 EEK audio system to the dac L,R output?.Will the sound be good?
Hello, what can I connect to the dac output R.L.? Zidoo UHD5000.
I can't find where it all turns off.
Good afternoon! How can I change the changing background to a permanent one in poster wall?For example, black
Hello, I have an external box connected to the zidoo 1000 pro with its own power supply and two HDD drives.And how to properly disconnect these disks?
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