Ok, Thanks Sledgehamma
ok, but one other question, where on the Z9x do I view Trakt. I have created a Trakt account on my PC, but i do not see any of my movies that's on...
Thank you both
Question, do I download the Trakt app to my Z9x? or just activate it on the app on my PC?
Greetings, is there another music player members of Z9 would recommend?
yes, i have the latest FW with google
is the YouTube app broken? I keep signing in, but the app never connects to my account!!!
Gentilemen, When I use the Netflix app on the Z9X, I get stereo sound. If I use the internal Netflix app watching the same show, i get "multi...
need it to see on my network and the only way is to have Samba Server
Ok, got the store and YouTube working now, thanks for your help
yes, I love it for my media playback, its awsome, everthing else works, I can use my CX 77" for the apps. I want to update to the new 6.0.45, but...
Well i did use the one with the "G", I try the other steps, but boy that's a;ot of mooving parts to get a app to work? Thank you for the assist
Greetings, if I update to the new Version number: v6.0.45, will i lose my ability to read/wright to the USB drives attached to my Z9X? Also, I...
don't UN-Zip the update. Jist put the ZIP file on your stick and then update from your Zidoo device. I did the samething yesteday also. real...
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