Correct, exactly that.
What i would like to see changed is the resume function. Pls deactivate it for the first 5 minutes. As i always check movies for a couple of...
Refresh rate for 1080p 25fps is still not ok. Should be 50 for smooth playback, but ouput remains 25. Result is like a stroboscoop. Internal utf8...
When will zbmc 18.1 be released? Aeon mq8 will only run on this version.
I would like to run kodi 18.1 with external player activated, due to aeon mq8, but with playercorefactory.xml its not working. Will you release...
Bye bye Zidoo.
Where is the force 3d for this tv option?
How to remove series with more that 1 season from compilation ? If i do they show up as seperate seasons.
All x265 has the wrong color range again!! Do those zidoo scripkiddies not test anything before releases firmware? Quickly back tot 1.4.16.
Is there a tuturial how to do it? We are now on beta 2, and there will be more until final release. Tried to edit assets/systeem/setting.xml...
Thanks for all your work Cobric.
With all small movie files, like web-dl, playback is very bad. Every few minuten, picture studders, Looks like a buffer or memory error.
Mucho Thanks.
X8 not supported anymore ?
Separate names with a comma.