I confirm on my Z9X. Images are not displayed quickly and the more we have files, the more it's slow.
Is the BT.2020 HDR10 from the first page limited to 1000nits ?
Hi Markswith2003... I am a little lost with these informations... According to the black clip problem and as I am actually still testing your idea...
V6.4.36 installed. Everything is working fine.
About using VS10 with SDR Edid : I am actualy on v.6.4.20. What will be different in the picture updating to v.6.4.36 ?
I tested this, it works very well (I am still using the v6.4.20, so perhaps it's different with the new VS10 use in V6.4.36). BUT on my Sony...
Thanks for your help
@Markswift2003 I am actually using your EDID BT.2020 400nit LLDV. I would like to make a test with the same EDID with a Min Lum DV of 0.005 (I...
Yes I must switch manually in HDR mode, but it's easy (I just set up a profile in the Sony) Perhaps one day, the Zidoo will make it automatically.
Thanks Mark for your update. It's really appreciable to have your expertise ! It's fully working with my Sony playing from my Z9X. LLDV is used...
Thanks for your answer ! Personnaly, I tried your 1000nits EDID and the 400 one. With the 400nits, I have more details in high luminance.
Is it possible to include in the EDID a way to have a brighter image without loosing the black ? I mean, with the Sony 290, I can sometime find...
Tested the Full + BT2020NEW LLDV. Sadly, it does not change anything for me (but I am using a Sony projector 290es, so, it's different as JVC)....
Thanks ! Will test this !
@vddan is it a different one that the BT2020 in the first page ? Do you have the link where to find this 'Full + BT2020NEW LLDV.' ?
Separate names with a comma.