unable to add google account

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X6 Pro' started by theartfulldodger, May 28, 2016.

  1. pongsan

    pongsan New Member

    Same here still unable to set up a Google account .I wait your OTA to resolve it.
  2. ahmedsamir

    ahmedsamir New Member

    I have the same problem now
    I have 5 devices x6 new and non of them accept google account
    and my devices already coming updated to 1.0.37 not 1.0.36
    please help I need it urgent
    Last edited: May 31, 2016
  3. ahmedsamir

    ahmedsamir New Member

    I don't know how root the x6pro or unroot it
    and what is es explorer ?
  4. bigpoppapaul

    bigpoppapaul Member

    @freeroc Thank you for this. It should be probably be a pinned post until you guys get the OTA update sorted out. Thanks again to you and the team for the quick fix.
  5. bigpoppapaul

    bigpoppapaul Member

    1. You root it by using this tool.
    Download it onto a USB stick and install it on your box. Then open the app and just follow the instructions
    2. Download ES File Explorer from here http://www.apkmirror.com/apk/es-glo...s-file-explorer-4-0-5-3-android-apk-download/ onto a USB and then install it.
    3. In ES File Explorer under "Tools" on the left switch on Root Explorer, you should get a pop up asking you to grant/deny permission. Grant it.
    4. Then under "Locel" on the left select the "/ Device" directory. That's your root directory
    5. In "search" along the bottom type in googleloginservice, the folder will pop up, go in there and delete googleloginservice.apk
    6. Reboot
    7. You'll now be able to login into the play store.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2016
  6. lecmich

    lecmich New Member


    i had the same Problem. Deleting the googleloginservice.apk solved the problem for me.

    Thank you so much
  7. whawha45

    whawha45 New Member

    Acabo de comprar Zidoo, pero No puedo conectar con Google para utilizar mis aplicaciones.
    Por favor, no hablo bien inglés. Alguien me puede ayudar?
  8. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

  9. Gale123

    Gale123 New Member

    I can not find GoogleLoginService.apk
  10. HoneCharles

    HoneCharles Active Member Zidoo TECH Supporter

    In /system/priv-app/GoogleLoginService/GoogleLoginService.apk
  11. hieuhien.vn

    hieuhien.vn Member Beta test group

    1. Open ES File Explorer (if you don't have, download and install: https://goo.gl/FVdrnZ)

    2. Turn on root permission for it: Tools -> Root Explorer

    3. Delete "GoogleLoginService.apk" from this path: "Device" -> "system" -> "priv-app" -> "GoogleLoginService" -> "GoogleLoginService.apk"


    4. Reboot and Login Google Play Store again!
  12. Gale123

    Gale123 New Member

    Thank you for your help . Now it's all good
  13. Harry Larry

    Harry Larry New Member

    Last edited: Jan 7, 2017

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