Recommended on LG Oled G2/G3

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by mark5564, May 1, 2024.

  1. mark5564

    mark5564 New Member

    Hello everyone
    I have an LG OLED TV G2 and G3, as a player a Z9X Pro (1.0.86) I am a little confused about the recommended settings. I just want to watch movies natively without upscaling. My movies are mostly UHD's DV . I am not very familiar with all these technical terms so I am asking this question.

    What I want is to get the best out of my TV and player.

    Many thanks in advance

  2. xskip

    xskip Active Member

  3. mark5564

    mark5564 New Member

    Thats what I'm talking about, all the Settings are Personal preference.

    If I use this settings, the Player is Upscaling ASO.

    There ar diferent Settings becouse of Display 8,10,12 bit depens on TV Display.
    LG is not the Problem.
  4. xskip

    xskip Active Member

    so, what is the problem?

    use Match frame rate and resolution.
    TV will do all the upscaling.

    or: "You can use "Match frame rate only" to allow the Zidoo to scale and reduce HDMI resyncs"

    all other settings are golden.
    great picture. best settings.
  5. mark5564

    mark5564 New Member

    How about HDMI Color Range and TV LED or Player LED?
  6. mark5564

    mark5564 New Member

    And why does the language always change from English to German after a restart?
  7. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I've updated the recommended settings with HDMI Range - it was only added back this firmware.

    Set to Auto or 16-235, both will work. Video content is encoded in 16-235 so I prefer to set this discretely but Auto will work just as well.

    TV Led should generally be used if your display supports it (yours does) although to be honest you probably won't see any difference between the two.
    dr4go and xskip like this.
  8. Thanh Nguyen

    Thanh Nguyen Member

    TV Led vs Player LED - is if you use the feature that allows TV to adjust brightness/contrast using it's Light Sensor, iirc it's Cinema Home Profile that uses this. The auto adjustment will only work with TV LED.
  9. mark5564

    mark5564 New Member

    Thank you very much for all your help.

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