I thought maybe the "corresponding directory" would be the same folder selected for doing backups, but I find nothing there. The export process goes on for a few minutes, but when it's done, I have no idea where to find the NFO file that has supposedly been created. What am I missing? I have a Zidoo Z10 Pro.
Have a look in your folders that contain a movie or tv program and you will find a nfo file in each and everyone of them.
I've only given my Zidoo read-only access to my NAS. It never complained about not having write access, however. I was hoping there would be one NFO file generated that described my whole library of files, not a bunch of separate files. I guess NFO isn't what I wanted anyway. What I was hoping for was something in an editable format, like XML, describing all of the associations between video files and poster data, so I could manually fix all of the poster associations in bulk, rather than fix the associations one at a time through the on-screen interface, which would take a long, LONG time. For a software engineer like myself, fixing everything up via XML or the like is preferable. The backup files for the Zidoo look like they have a lot of messy binary data that would be difficult to edit manually.
I wish I would have found this post before I did it, cleaning out all those files is going to be an insane pain.
From your pc go to the drive and then go to the search window and type *.*.nfo this shouid bring them all up and you can then select all of them and then delete.