Thumnails/Poster/Fanarts flickering/blinking after TinyMediaManager

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1296)' started by Bladerunner, Sep 13, 2024.

  1. Bladerunner

    Bladerunner New Member

    I scrapted yesterday some video files (e.g. dokus, Dolby Atmos Demos, concerts) manually with TinyMediaManager.
    Also I added manually to some video files (e.g. holiday videos) posters and fanarts via TinyMediaManager.

    Now all posters and fanarts of these video files are flickering/blinking in the poster wall view if I go to one of the videos. If I make a normal rescan/sraping direct in Zidoo the posters and fanarts are ok; not blinking/flickering.

    So the problem is caused by TinyMediaManager. I guess I need some changes in TMM. But I don't know what to change.
    I still stay in the NFO settings with "Kodi". Is this the problem?
    Remark: all my videos I use in Zidoo are from the Kodi database respectively from the Kodi made NFO and have no problem with posters/fanarts.

    Have you an idea, what I have to change in my workflow with TinyMediaManager?
  2. Bladerunner

    Bladerunner New Member

    It seems, that the bug is in the poster view of Zidoo itselves.
    In the big standard poster view - which I normally not use - are no problems; no flickering/blinking of text and posters/fanarts.
    The problem is in the other posters views. I normally use the view where the posters shown on buttom and info above.

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