(SOLVED)Z9X - (v6.4.42G) - 3D MVC (iso files) not working in ZDMC

Discussion in 'other' started by groofy, Mar 7, 2023.

  1. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    Another forum people are talking about 3D issues after projector firmware update:

    serkan says:
    21 December 2020 at 12:44
    There is also a global version in this product, my product does not seem to have netflix and 3d. Is it possible to activate them?

    • [​IMG]Kardos-Erdődi Zsolt says:
      26 January 2021 at 10:20
      Hi Serkan!

      Long press the menu button on the remote and the 3D option will pop up… Hope will help.
  2. groofy

    groofy New Member

    -> New Quick Settings > Display/Color Settings/Non-4K: Priority YUV444 8BIT
    Okay this was already the default value

    -> Where is this info coming from?
    see img : https://ibb.co/1MsYT9p


    -> The PJ info screen? What is it showing when you unplug the cable?
    No it is in the zidoo quick settings menu.

    -> are you sure your projector can display 3D?
    Yes I already watched gravity, jurassic park and titanic a few times using a 3D bluray player. I also have an option to activate 3D and select SBS, top/bottom or fit to frame. I watched a 3D bluray last week, worked fine

    ->Do you have glasses to go with it?
    Yes, active glasses (boblov if i remenber correctly)

    -> I found some datasheet and it is showing 3D not supported.
    It is very strange, I already watched 3D movie from bluray player (works great) The datasheet must be wrong
    It was purchased here : https://www.banggood.com/Newest-VersionXiaomi-Mijia-1S-4K-Cinema-UST-Projector-2000-ANSI-Lumens-150-inch-ALPD-4K-3D-BT-4_0-MIUI-TV-Xiaomi-Projector-p-1692866.html?akmClientCountry=FR&cur_warehouse=HK
    There is a datasheet included in the description
  3. groofy

    groofy New Member

    yep, that is how I do to launch 3D usually
  4. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    The picture is showing you signal type as you are looking at it in Quick Settings screen. Try to set resolution to 1080p at 23fps and remove auto resolution and refresh rate. Start the 3D movie again and push info button on Zidoo remote. Is there any info screen from the projector that would show signal type when in 3D?
  5. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    Any receiver in between? Run cable directly to PJ. Can receiver if you have it show the signal info?
  6. groofy

    groofy New Member

    When playing a 3D ISO, when the screen is black I can click on the "resolution" button on the remote. Then the movie appear in 2D on the screen even though in the zidoo menu it appear as "3d mvc".
    I tried to click each resolution then select 2D and after that, select 3D MVC back to see if something was changing. But no, still a black screen when entering 3D mode

    ->Try to set resolution to 1080p at 23fps and remove auto resolution and refresh rate.

    Done except for the 23fps, I only have 50 or 60 hz, tried both

    -> Is there any info screen from the projector that would show signal type when in 3D?
    I tried to launch the gravity 3D ISO, the screen went black. I managed to get the following infos from the projector input : 1920x1080P 60HZ SDR
    Now what is strange is when I click "resolution" button on the remote and set it to 1080P 50HZ , if i check the projector input it tells "1920x1080P 60HZ SDR"
    But if I switch the resolution to 2160p, the projector display 2160p (no hz displayed, only the resolution)
    Maybe the problem come from here when switching to 3D ?
  7. groofy

    groofy New Member

    The zidoo is connected directly to the projector using a hdmi cable, no receiver in between
  8. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    What remote is this? Projector Remote?

    You shouldn't be switching resolution or refresh rate. The signal must be 1080p 3D frame packing at 23fps. Projector display could go into 60Hz to work with active glasses but the standard for 3D signal Blu-Ray ISO is 23fps as source coming out of Zidoo.
  9. groofy

    groofy New Member

    -> What remote is this? Projector Remote?
    It is the zidoo remote https://ibb.co/5WL9MSy

    -> The signal must be 1080p 3D frame packing at 23fps. Projector display could go into 60Hz to work with active glasses but the standard for 3D signal Blu-Ray ISO is 23fps as source coming out of Zidoo.
    Okay, so the movie is 23fps, I tried with the option to match to the frame rate and without, still no luck. I don't see any option to set manuualy to 23fps
  10. groofy

    groofy New Member

    YEAY !!
    I finally got it !

    After messing around in quick settings
    quick settings -> display -> custom EDID
    and there I randomly selected a EDID

    Then my 3D iso play

    Thank you very much 3DBUFF for your time and patience, wish you the best, hello from france
  11. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    I'm glad it worked out for you @groofy.

    So let me get it straight. You had custom EDID selected by accident playing around and 3D wasn't working for you or you just pick a random custom EDID and got 3D going?

    Is it working with custom EDID OFF?
  12. groofy

    groofy New Member

    No, CUSTOM EDID was off
    I tried to activate the third which is for "SAMSUNG QA55Q60RA..."

    then tried to play gravity 3D, I had a warning saying the tv is not compatible. Ignored it and the 3D was there, working normally :)
  13. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    OK. The end conclusion is that the projector manufacturer dropped support for 3D out of EDID. Zidoo was not sending 3D signal as not compatible with the projector. You may want to connect with Mark at EDID thread here to see if he can help with your own custom EDID file from your projector but including 3D option.

    I have similar issue. My LG TV works with all resolutions and refresh rates you can find but it doesn't list 1080p at 25fps in EDID. My European movies (25fps) play at 60fps unless I use custom EDID file patched for 25fps :D
  14. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    It may even be lack of 23fps in your projector EDID if you couldn't select it manually causing the signal to lockup on 3D going to 60Hz.
    When you play 2D regular movie, what is Zidoo info screen showing?
  15. groofy

    groofy New Member

    -> When you play 2D regular movie, what is Zidoo info screen showing?
    I tried with kingsman which is at 23 fps, the output mode it 4k 60hz still

    I will check the topic you mentionned for a custom EDID, for the moment I must admit I don't quite understand what the EDID do ^^
  16. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    Projector is forcing 60Hz but at the same time you are upconverting SDR to HDR and making some aspect ratio "Adjustment"?
    Why don't you put it all to auto and let Zidoo sort it out according to capabilities of projector from EDID info.

    Set aspect ratio to Original and HDR mode to Auto. All in Quick Settings. Don't bother with ZDMC for now. Try various movies at various resolutions and see what refresh rates you are getting. Maybe projector is not capable of true cinematic mode 24fps. If the projector is geared for computer interface and presentations they could have skipped 24fps all together. 3D was part of HDMI 1.4 specification. Data bandwidth would not allow for frame rates greater than 24 fps frame packing (double frame vertical at 24 fps). Check info screen when you use Samsung EDID and 3D movie.
    groofy likes this.
  17. groofy

    groofy New Member

    So, it's been a loong time aha

    I recently updated my zidoo to a zidoo z9x PRO and I had the issue again. This time I edited the xiaomi mija 4k (batman) edid to include the missing 1080p 23 25 29 framerate and it works perfectly. I would have never solved this without your last message. The cause is indeed that the original edid is missing theses framerate in the 3D CEA part

    Attached Files:

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  18. 3DBuff

    3DBuff Well-Known Member

    Hey I'm glad it worked. EDID is not always right. My old LG OLED TV from 2016 is 4K DV HDR and 3D. The last best ever made 3D TV :D. EDID on this TV is messed up too. This is a North American released TV but it woks with all standards across the world. 25fps is missing out of EDID. It was forcing Zidoo to play those movies at 60fps. After custom EDID saved in Zidoo I can watch the European movies in native HD 25fps.

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