Kodi with Zidoo media player as External Player

Discussion in 'ZIDOO H6 Pro' started by kaneda79, Jan 17, 2018.

  1. Mr. Magoo

    Mr. Magoo New Member


    I'm also waiting for this Zidoo player fix for NFS/SMB shares. My entire media library is shared over NFS from a different computer.
    Also, I find that the Zidoo player has a few issues with aspect ration and subtitles. It always uses "full" aspect ratio instead of the actual video's aspect, and when I change the aspect, it doesn't remember the change and I need to select the setting for each file I play...
    For the subtitles, it defaults to play subtitles that come WITHIN the video file if there are any, but I always use external subs. I can choose a different subtitle file but, again, the player doesn't remember the choice and I have to choose each time I play a file.

    Do you think this will be fixed in future versions?

    I reverted to firmware 1.0.11 where KODI plays normal content *almost* perfectly and the Zidoo player plays everything flawlessly.
    I hope the next firmware version fill fix things so that KODI will play the same way the Zidoo player does, or will bring a customized KODI version that uses the correct codecs as the Zidoo player stuff.

    Will that happen?

  2. DMD

    DMD Member

    Good morning.
    I plan to buy the new model Z9X 8K and use Kodi Omega apk, I ask if the script “playercorefactory” can work on this box.
    I tried the script on Z9X but it does not perform playback and the message “External player active” appears.
    Thank you very much

    Last edited: Sep 9, 2024

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